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单词 dash
释义 dash2 /daej; daej/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 15A, B, 2C] send or throw violently; move or be moved violently: 猛掷; 猛撞; 猛击; 猛冲: The boat was ~ed against the rocks. 那船 Ji 撞在礁石上。 The huge waves ~ed over the rocks. 掀天大浪冲击在岩石上。 The elephants ~ed through the undergrowth. 那些大象为速冲过下层林丛。 D~ a bucketful of water over this muddy floor. 拿一桶水把这泥污的地板冲洗一下。 A motor-car ~ed past us/ ~ed mud all over us as it passed. 一辆汽车自我们身边飞驰而过 (飞驰而过时, 溅了我们满身泥) 。 ~ sth off. write or draw sth quickly: 匆匆而写或画: I must ~ off a few letters before I go out. 我在出去以前必须赶写几封信。 2 [VP6A] ~ sb's hopes, destroy, dis-courage, them. 使某人的希望破灭。 3 [VP6A] - (colloq, used as a mild substitute for) Damn!: (俗) 可恶! (咒骂语, 较 Damn 语气稍弱): D~ it! 可恶! ~ing adj impetuous; lively; full of, showing, energy; SL 烈的; 有生气的; 精力充沛的 a ~ htg cavalry charge; 骑兵的猛攻; a ~ing rider, eg on。who rides a horse boldly. 勇建的骑马者。 ~ing.|y adv




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