单词 | daub |
释义 | daub /dab; dab/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14, 15A, B] put paint, clay, plaster, etc roughly on a surface: 在表面涂抹(油漆,泥,灰泥等): to ~ plaster on a wall; 涂灰泥于墙上; to ~ a wall with paint. 油漆墙壁。 Don't ~ the paint on too thickly. 不要把油漆涂得太厚。 2 [VP6A, 2A] paint (pictures) without skill or artistry. 涂箱式扇备(画)。 3 [VP6A, 14] make dirty: 弄麟: trousers ~ed with paint. 沾看油漆的裤子。 i 1 [C, U] (covering of) soft, sticky material, eg clay. 软而站的涂料(如贴土); 涂抹。 2 [C] badly painted picture. 拙劣的画; 涂鸦的作品。 ~er n person who paints unskilfully. 拙劣的画者。 |
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