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单词 day
释义 day /dei; de/ n 1 [U] time between sunrise and sunset: 白昼; 日间(自日出至日落); 白天: He has been working all day. 他已工作了一整天。 We travelled day and night/night and day without stopping. 我们日夜不停的旅行。 before day, before daylight comes, 在天亮以前。 by day, during daylight: 昼间; 日间; 白天真: We travelled by day and stayed at hotels every night. 我们白天旅行,每晚住旅馆。 pass the time of day (with sb), exchange greetings (eg by saying 'Good morning'). (与某人) 互道安好 (如说'早安') 。 2 [C] period of twenty-four hours (from midnight): 一日; 一画夜 (自午夜起二十四小时): There are seven days in a week. 一周有七日。 I saw Tom three days ago. 我在三天前看见汤姆。 / shall see Mary in a few days' time, a few days from now. 我再过几天就要见到玛莉了。 What day of the week is it? It's Monday. 今夭星期几?今天星珈一。 the day after tomorrow: If today is Wednesday, the day after tomorrow will be Friday. 假若今天是星期三,后天就是星期五。 the day before yesterday. If today is Wednesday, the day before yesterday was Monday 假若今天是星期三,前天就是星期一。 this day week. If today is 1 May, this day week will be 8 May. 假若今天是五月一日,下星期的今天就是五月八日。 this day fortnight: If today is 1 May, this day fortnight will be 15 May. 假若今天是五月一日,两星期后的今天就是五月十五日。 day after day; every day, for many days together. 日复一日; 一天又一天; 每日; 一连许多天。 day in. day out. continuously. 一美又一天; 连续不廓地。 from day to day; from one day to the next: No one can be certain about what will happen from day to day. 没有人能确知逐日会发生什么事。 day, on a day (past or future). (过去) 某一天; (将来) 有一天。 the other day, a few days ago. 前几天; 数天前。 some day, on some day in the future. 将来有一支; 他日。 one of these days, (used in making a promise or a prophecy) before long. (用于许诺或预言) 不久; 过不了几天。 one of those days, day of much misfortune. 不幸的日子。 that'll be the day. (ironic) that will never happen, j (反语) 那永建不会发生。计 he's a day, (of age) at least: (指年龄) 至少 .He's eighty if he's a day! 他至少八十岁了! not be one's day, day when things go badly for one. 倒每的一天; 不如意的一天。 to a/the day, exactly: 恰好; 刚好: three years ago to the/a day. 一天不差俗好三年前。 Note the omission of relatives after day. 注意 day 后面关系代名词的省略: the day (on which) / met you. 我遇到你的那一天。 We shall have many days (on which) to talk things over. 我们将有很多的日子可以讨论一切。 3 the hours of the day given to work: 每日工作的小时数: I've done a good day's work. 我已做了足足一日的工作。 His working day is eight hours. 他每天的工作时数是八小时。 They want a six-hour day and a five-day week. 他们要求每日工作六小时,每周工作五日。 Most workers are paid weekly, but some are paid by the day. 大多数的工人都是按周计酬,但也有一些按日计酬。 call it a day, decide that we have done enough (work) for one day: 认为一日的工作量已够: Let's call it a day, stop. 道一天的工作够了,停工吧。 a in a/the day's work, all part of the normal routine. 每日甬应做的事。 at the end of the day, when the work, etc is completed. 工作等完成时。 early/late in the day, (too) early/ late. (太) 早 (迟) 。 day 'off, holiday. 假日。 day release, permission for a worker to attend a college during a working day. 准许工人于工作日进大学进修。 4 (oftenp/) time; period: (常用复数) 时代; 时期: j” my school-days; 在我的学生时代; in his boyhood days; 在他的幼年时代; in the days of Queen Victoria; 维宜莉志女王鸢代; in days of old/ in olden days, in former times; 在昔日; 昔时; in days to come, in future times; 在未来的时代; the men of other days, of past times. 舍入. :古人。 better days, times when one was, or will be, richer, more prosperous, etc: (过去或未来) 生活更富裕繁荣的日子: Let's hope we'll soon see better days. 希望我们不久能过好日子. fall on evil days. suffer misfortune. 遭遇不幸。 the present day, the time we are now living in. 现代。 Hence, 山此产生, 'present-day attrib adj. present-day (= modern) writers. 现代作家。 (in) these days, nowadays. 如今; 日下。 in those days, then. 在当时。 in this day and age, (cliche) in this present period. (陈辞) 在今天这个时代。 5 (sing preceded by his, her, their, etc) lifetime; period of success, prosperity, power, etc: (单数,前用 his, her, their 等)一生; 鼎或时期: Colonialism has had its day. 殖民主何盛店一时。 She was a beauty in her day, before she grew old. 她年轻的时候足个美人。 Every dog has its day, (prov) We all have good luck or a period of success at some time or other. (诸) 人人都布一段走运的时期。 those were the days, (cliche) ie better times. (陈辞) 那是在好时期; 那才是好年头。 6 the day, contest: 竞赛: We've won/ carried the day. 我们获胜了。 The day is o“rs. 我们廨了。 we've lost the day. 我们比赛失败了。 7 (used attrib, and in compounds) (形容用法,并用于复合字中) 'day bed, bed or couch for daytime sleep or rest. 白天睡觉或休息的床; 睡椅。 'day-book, (comm) book for record of sales as they take place, for transfer to a ledger. (商) 流水帐; 日记帐 (买卖东西随时的记录,将来转至总帐) 。 day-boy/girl, one who attends school daily but sleeps at home. 通学生; 走续生 (每日到校上课,晚上回家睡觉) 。 'daybreak n [U] dawn. 拂晓:破晓; 黎明。 ‘day care n [U] care for small children, away from home, during the day: 托儿 (白天替人照顾赫儿): a 'daycare center. 耗儿亩。 'daydream n, adj [VP2A] (think) pleasant thoughts. (作) 白日梦。 'day-labourer, one who is hired by the day. 按日计酬祐雇工。 'day-long adj, adv (lasting) for the whole day. 终日苗 (地) 。 'day nursery, place where small children may be left during the day. 日间托儿所。 (day re'lease n [U] system of allowing employees off work (eg for on day per week) for edacational purposes. (员工每周一日的) 休假进修。 'day-return n [C] return ticket (often at a reduced rate) available both ways on one day only. 限当天有效的来回票 (通常票价较低) 。 day-school, used as the opp of boarding-school, evening school, and Sunday school. 日校 (用为寄宿学校,夜校及主日学校之对) 。 'day shift, (workers working a) period during the day, esp in a mine. (尤指在矿思) 白日工作的一段时间; 日班; 日班工人。 'day-spring, (poet) dawn. (诗) 拂晓; 黎明。 'day-time, day (1), 白昼; 日间; 白天,esp: 尤用于: in the day-time. 在日间; 在白谨。




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