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单词 scoop
释义 scoop /sku:p; skup/ n [C] 1 (sorts of) deep, shovel-like, short-handled tool for taking up and moving quantities of grain, flour, sugar, etc; long-handled, ladle-shaped tool for dipping out liquid. (挖谷粒、面粉、糖等用的深边短柄的)仆子; (舀水等用的长柄)杓子; 毎斗。 2 motion of, or as of, using a ~: 剂; 骨: at one ~, in one single movement of a ~:一剂或一街地: (fig) (喻) He won £50 at one ~. 他一下子赚了五十镑。 3 (colloq) piece of news obtained and published by one newspaper before its competitors; (comm)Jarge profit made by anticipating competitors. (俗)独家新闻; (商)抢先赚得的暴利。 vt 1 [VP15B] ~ sth out/ up. lift with, or as with, a ~. 蒯起; 汲取; 倩出。 2 [VP6A, 15B] ~ (out), make (a hole, groove, etc) with, or as with, a ~: 掘; 挖; 用或似用割挖成(洞,沟等): ~ out a hole in the sand. 在沙中挖洞。 3 [VP6A] (colloq) get (news, a profit, etc) as a ~ (3). (俗)抢先获得(新闻,利润等)。 ~ful /-fol; -ful/ n as much as a ~ holds. 一钟的量; 一杓的量。




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