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单词 club
释义 club1 /kUb; kUb/ n 1 heavy stick with one thick end, used as a weapon. (一端较粗, 用作武器之) 棍; 棒。 2 stick with a curved head for hitting the ball in golf and hockey. (一端有骨曲之头的) 高尔夫球棒; 曲棍球棒。 vt (-bb-) [VP6A, 14] hit with a ~: 用匝棒打击: He had been ~ bed to death. 他被棍底打充。 They ~ bed him with their rifles. 他们用枪凭他。 [ ~ foot ” foot that is (from birth) thick and badly formed. 天生特厚之畸杉足。 Hence, 由此产生, L-'footed adj




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