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单词 pilot
pilot/′paɪlət/ n & adj; vt [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1)飞行员 (person trained to control an aircraft) [C]: The flying school graduates a hundred~s a year.每年有100名飞行员从飞行学校毕业。The~and crew were all killed in the air crash. 飞行员和整个机组人员都在飞机坠毁时丧生。〖同〗flyer, airman;

(2)领航(港)员,引水员 (person who directs a ship in and out of a harbour river or coastal waters) [C]: The job of a ship's~is to take charge while a ship is entering or leaving a harbour. 船舶引水员的工作是负责引导船只进出港口。A steamer takes on a~before coming into a strange harbour. 轮船在进入陌生港口之前先让领港员上船。We got a~who guided us through the dangerous reefs. 我们找来一个引水员,引导我们通过危险的礁石群。〖同〗helmsman,steersman;

(3)向导,领导者 (person who acts as a guide or leader) [C];

adj 试验性的(尤指小规模的) (experimental esp on a small scale) [作attrib]: a~scheme/project/study/census/survey/plant 试验性计划/试验项目/试验性研究/试验性人口调查/试点调查/(小规模)试验工厂;

vt (1)1)驾驶(飞机),为(轮船)领航 (work as a pilot of sth) [T+n T+n+prep(through)]:~a plane/a ship 驾驶飞机/为轮船领航;~a boat through the Suez Canal/in rough waters/down the river 引领船只穿过苏伊士运河/在惊涛骇浪中为船领航/为顺流而下的船领航;〖同〗navigate,direct,guide; 2)带领,引导 (guide sb or sth) [T+n T+n+prep(through)]:~sb through the crowd to sb's seat 带领某人穿过人群到他的座位上去;Tom~ed his friends through the large factory and explained each process. 汤姆带领他的朋友们参观了这家大工厂,并对每一道工序作了解释。Tourists need a guide to~them through the place. 游客们需要一名向导带领他们穿过那个地方。〖同〗direct,lead,escort,guide; 3)确保某事成功 (guide sth carefully to a successful result) [T+n T+n+prep(through)]:~a bill through Parliament 使议会通过一项法案;

(2)试验(test sth by means of a pilot scheme) [T+n]: Schools in that area~ed a new method of learning French/a new maths course. 那一地区的学校试验了一个学习法语的新方法/试开了一门新的数学课程。

→′pilot-boat n领港船(艇);′pilot-fish n (常与鲨鱼、船只同游的)鲭类海鱼;′pilot-lamp, ′pilot-light n (电器的)指示灯;′pilot-light, ′pilot-burner n 煤气炉中用于引火用的火种





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