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单词 无所不至

无所不至wú suǒ bù zhì

❶penetrate everywhere
❷be capable of anything; by every possible means;in every conceivable way; spare no pains (usually to do evil)
❍ 平儿也是个好玩的,素日跟着凤姐儿~,……(《红楼梦》614) …for she was naturally playful and always up to endless pranks with her mistress.
❍ 因此,和些丫环们~,恣意耍笑。(《红楼梦》1041) So he fooled about with the maids in every conceivable way.
❍ 今日会酒,明日观花,甚至聚赌嫖娼,~,引诱的薛蟠比当日更坏了十倍。(《红楼梦》50) And so he found himself meeting them for a drinking-party one day,for theatre-going the next,on a third day perhaps gambling with them or visiting brothels. For there were no limits to the depravity of their pleasures,and Xue Pan,who was bad enough to start with,soon became ten times worse under their expert gui dance.
❍ 苟患失之,~矣。(《论语·阳货》)When they are anxious lest such things should be lost,there is nothing to which they will not proceed.

无所不至wú suǒ bù zhì

至:到。没有达不到的地方。penetrate everywhere, be capable of anything, stop at nothing, by every possible means





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