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单词 无所不为

无所不为wú suǒ bù wéi

be up to every con ceivable trick; commit all manner of crimes;do all kinds of bad things; do just as sb pleases; stop at nothing; there is no crime of which one is not guilty
❍ 安庆七学共考三场。见那些童生,也有代笔的,也有传递的,大家丢纸团,掠砖头,挤眉弄眼,~。(《儒林外史》256)There were three examinations at Anching. Some of the candidates had found substitutes,others slipped essays to each other. In fact,they were up to every conceivable trick; passing notes,throwing bricks,winking and making signs to one another./……你就成精鼓捣起来,调唆宝玉,~!(《红楼梦》1006)…instead of making mischief and getting Baoyu to carry on so wildly.
❍ 他日复来,仍旧先咬老实人开手,“投石下井”,~,寻起原因来,一部份就正因为老实人不“打落水狗”之故。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—56) It will come out later and make a fresh start by biting simple souls,then go on to commit all manner of crimes. And the reason for this is partly that those simple souls would not beat a dog in the water.
❍ 时知县倚着危素的势,要在这里酷虐小民,~。(《儒林外史》9) This magistrate relies on Mr Wei’s authority to tyrannize over the common people here,and do all kinds of bad things.
❍ 致道德日就沦胥, 人心日益浇漓, 寡廉鲜耻, ~,徼幸行险, 人思幸进,求所谓砥砺廉隅,束身自爱者,世不多覩焉。(鲁迅《朝花夕拾·后记》79) …so that morality has daily declined and men’s hearts are becoming daily more depraved,unscrupulous and shameless,making them do all manner of evil,running risks and trusting to luck to get ahead. Few indeed are the men of integrity who have scruples and will not lower themselves. …/他又是乡坤,又是盐典,又同府县官相与的极好,所以~,百姓敢怒而不敢言。(《儒林外史》535) The Tangs are local gentry in the salt business,who are on the best of terms with the county and prefectural officials; so they do just as they please,and the people dare not protest.
❍ 来人说: “可不好啦! 快跑吧!日本鬼子朝这边来了,一路上,杀人放火,~,我们那里人被抓去了很多,快跑吧!”(《高玉宝》1) “Run for it, quick!” one man panted. “The devils are coming. Killing and burning they are-they stop at nothing. They’ve carried off dozens of people from our village. Get away,quick,while you can.”/你一松,他们就犯上作乱~了,那还了得! (田汉《关汉卿》57) Once the lid is loose,there’ll be a deluge of rebellion and they’ll take the law into their own hands. No,you can’t let them go too far!/广放私债,毒害良民,~。(《儒林外史》239) …lending money at exorbitant rates of interest and injuring the people-there is no crime of which he is not quilty.


stop at nothing;commit all kinds of evils

无所不为wú suǒ bù wéi

没有什么不做的。比喻什么事情都干得了。stop at nothing, do all manner of evil, commit all manner of crimes





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