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单词 无所事事

无所事事wú suǒ shì shì

be occupied with nothing;eat one’s head off; fool about (/around); have nothing to do; idle away one’s time; keep one’s hands in one’s pocket; loaf (/while/fritter) away one’s time; twiddle (/twirt) one’s thumbs; vacuous;vecuity; vegetate;/他自然是~了; …… (叶圣陶《倪焕之》401) He now found himself at a loose end,of course; …/这几年顶不像话的就是他! 无病呻吟,小病大养,成天吊儿郎当,~。……(宗福先《于无声处》15)He’s very lazy these last years. He complains when he’s not ill,takes time off if he’s slightly sick and fools around all day doing nothing.


fool around;idle away one’s time;be occupied with nothing
~,惹是生非。Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop.or:Idlers are prone to make trouble.

无所事事wú suǒ shì shì

事:做;事事:做事情。闲着什么事情也不干。idle about; mess about(around), muck about(around), have nothing to do, be at a loose end, twiddle one’s thumbs, fool about(around), eat one’s head off





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