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❶ (安放;排列) put;arrange;set in order:把东西 ~ 好 set the things in order;
把书 ~ 在桌子上 put the book on the table;~ 事实 present the facts;~ 正个人和集体的关系 put oneself in a correct relationship to the collective;~ 在我们面前的任务 the task confronting us
❷ (显示;炫耀) display;show off;put on;assume:~ 威风 give oneself airs;put on airs;~ 出一副官架子 assume the airs of an official
❸ (摇动;摇摆) sway;wag;wave:~ 手 wave hand;~ 尾巴 wag tail;
大摇大 ~ strutting;swaggering
❹ [方] (说;谈;陈述) lay bare;state clearly;talk about:~ 矛盾 lay bare the contradictions;~ 家常 engage in small talk;talk about domestic trivia Ⅱ ❶ {物} (控制摆动频率的机械装置) pendulum:钟 ~ clock pendulum;
单 ~ simple pendulum;
复 ~ compound pendulum
❷ (衣、裙的下幅) the lower hem of a gown,jacket,or skirt
◆摆布 order about;manipulate;
摆动 swing;sway;oscillate;pendulate;waggle;wobble;vibrate;wiggle;{机} jigging motion;nodding action;oscillating movement;pendulum motion;shimmy;swing motion;swinging;wobbling;pendulation;hunting;vibration;see-saw;oscillation;runout;
摆渡 ferry;ferry-boat;
摆幅 amplitude (of oscillation);maximum deflection;range of oscillation;swing;
摆杆 {钟} pendulum rod;pendulum bar;oscillating block;swing link;swing stem;
摆簧 {钟} pendulum spring;
摆架子 put on airs;assume great airs;go about with one's head high in the air;
摆件 goods [pieces] of furniture for display rather than for use;
摆阔(气) parade one's wealth;be ostentatious and extravagant;
摆老资格 put on the airs of an “oldtimer” [a veteran];flaunt one's seniority;pride oneself on being a veteran;
摆擂台 make open challenges to fights;make challenges to a contest;
摆龙门阵 arrange troops according to the Dragongate tactics;[方] chat;gossip;telling [spin] yarns;make leisurely conversation;
摆轮 balance wheel;balance;wobbler;
摆门面 keep up appearances;put up an impressive front;
摆迷魂阵 lay out a scheme to bewitch sb.;set a trap;
摆弄 move back and forth;fiddle with;order about;manipulate; 摆平 treat fairly; 摆谱儿 [方] try to appear rich and elegant;try to impress;
摆设 furnish and decorate (a room);
摆式 pendulous;pendulum;
摆事实,讲道理 present [bring out] the facts and reason things out;set forth the facts and discuss them rationally;
摆摊儿 spread out goods for sale in booth;
摆脱 dispense;rid;cast off;extricate oneself from;throw off;get rid of;break away from;free oneself from;shake off;wash one's hands of;be rid of;rid oneself of;get sth. off one's hands;get out;get over;be free of;be clear of;clear off;clear sb. of sth.;break off;breakaway;break loose;cut loose from;do away with;find freedom from;see the back of sb.;give sb. [sth.] the go-by;give sb. [sth.] a miss;
摆线齿轮 cycloid(al) gear;
摆样子 do sth. for show;be just for show;just show off;
摆钟 pendule (clock);pendulum clock;
摆轴 balance staff;pendulum shaft





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