释义 |
不可磨灭bù kě mó miècan never be erased;everlasting; graven; imperishable; indelible;ineffaceable; inerasable; never be forgotten; never be obliterated; undying; will always be remembered;will endure for ever ❍ 虽然道静和他们爷孙三个只是一面之识,可是他们的生活却在她心上留下了~的深刻印象。(杨沫《青春之歌》355)Although she had only met the old man once,his plight had made an indelible impression on her. ❍ 不过这惩罚,却给了我们的活无常以~的冤苦的印象,……(《鲁迅选集》上—268)However,the punishment left our Wu Chang with an inera dicable impression of injustice. ❍ 王士深讲的汉江西岸狙击战的英勇故事,在童进脑筋里留下了~的深刻的印象。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—377) Wang Shishen’s story of the heroic exploits of the Volunteers in the ambush on the west bank of the Han had left a deep,inerasable impression on Tong Jin’s mind. 不可磨灭bù kě mó miè磨灭:消失、埋没。形容永远不会消失。can never be erased, imperishable, ineffaceable, indelible, everlasting |