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单词 不可救药

不可救药无可救药bù kě jiù yào

be a hopeless (/gone) case; be past (all) cure (/all help/treatment); beyond one’s power to lessen or assuage; beyond correction (/cure/remedy/help/redemption/reclaim); cureless; immedicable; in corrigible; irremediable; irrecoverable; incurable;intractable; irredeemable; there is no cure (for)
❍ 多将熇熇,~。(《诗经·大雅·板》) But the troubles will multiply like flames,|Till they are beyond help or remedy.
❍ 洁方,别把我看得这样~,你到朝鲜,我做实验,我们走的路不一样,可是早晚会碰到一起的。(曹禺《明朗的天》63) Song,don’t think I’m incorrigible.You go to Korea,I’ll make my experiments. We go different ways,but sooner or later we’ll come together.
❍ 有时候,甚至于连真的义形于色的土话也会觉得古怪、珍奇,于是宁而下等脾气的 “不识抬举”遂告成功,或者会终于~。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—123) Sometimes a genuinely indignant outburst strikes me as odd and queer. This has put the finishing touch to my low class “ingratitude”,and,indeed,make it incurable.


beyond cure;incurable;incorrigible;hopeless

不可救药bù kě jiù yào

病重得无法医治。比喻无法挽救。hopeless, too far gone, incurable, intractable, beyond cure, beyond remeady





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