搁(擱)ɡē ❶ (放) put;place:~ 好 put in a safe place; 把东西 ~ 在这儿吧。 Just leave your things here. 他把帽子和大衣 ~ 在一张椅子上。 He placed his cap and overcoat on a chair. 这菜里你盐 ~ 得太多了。 You put too much salt in this dish. 这样热的天,肉 ~ 不住。 Meat doesn't keep in this hot weather. ❷ (搁置) put aside;lay aside;leave over;shelve:这事我打算暂时 ~ 一 ~。 I will leave the matter as it stands for the present. 这问题咱们先 ~ 一 ~。 Let's put [lay] the problem aside for a while. 另见 see also ɡé。 ◆搁板 shelf; 搁笔 put down the pen;stop writing either temporarily or for good; 搁钉 rest button; 搁脚板 foot rest; 搁脚凳 stool; 搁脚位置 footwell; 搁楼 garret;attic; 搁浅 stranded;stranding;aground;beach;ground;strand;take the ground;run aground;run ashore;deadlock;be held up;be at a deadlock;reach a deadlock; 搁浅冰山 {海} stamukha; 搁死资金 lock up capital; 搁物架 rack; 搁下 lay by; 搁栅 joist;bridging; 搁置 shelve;lay aside;abeyance;pigeonhole;laydown;put off;put on the shelf; 搁置不用 lie idle;lie by; 搁置不管 toss [lay] aside;pigeonhole;shelve; 搁置动议 shelve [lay on the table] a motion; 搁置腐蚀 shelf corrosion; 搁置脑后 put out of mind;be off one's mind;put ... clean out of one's head;throw ... to the winds; 搁置试验 shelf test; 搁置在港 laid up in port; 搁座 shelf rest;shelf stand
搁(擱)ɡé (经受) bear;endure;stand:~ 不住冻 can't stand frost; 这种布 ~ 不住洗。 This cloth won't bear washing. 另见 see also ɡē。 |