释义 |
捉摸不定zhuō mō bù dìngambiguous; difficult to ascertain; elusive; inscrutable; unpredictable ❍ 她觉得一切都象做梦一样模糊,~。(杜鹏程 《保卫延安》14) Everything was blurred to her,like in a dream. ❍ 在这些极细微的声音中,还听得到有一种特别巨大的呜呜声,这声音象是响在半天空里,又象是响在地层底下,叫人~。(竣青《黎明的河边》143) As these noises came to our ears we slowly became aware that there was an underlying sound which we could not place at once,a droning,persistent noise which seemed to come neither from the earth nor the sky. ❍ 戴愉捉住晓燕的手抚摸着,眼睛里闪烁着一种叫人~的光焰。(杨沫《青春之歌》476) Dai Yu took Xiaoyan’s hand and stroked it tenderly,an inscrutable gleam in his eyes… 捉摸不定zhuō mō bù dìnɡ形容无法猜测。elusive, unpredictable, ambiguous, difficult to ascertain |