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单词 不三不四

不三不四不僧不俗bù sān bù sì

dubious;irregular; nasty; neither fish,flesh,nor fowl (/good red herring); neither hay nor grass; neither one thing nor the other; nondescript; queer-looking;shady; shapeless
❍ 朱三就是这样~的人物。(知侠《铁道游击队》331)Zhu San is just a double-dealing fellow.
❍ 一个单身的女人,自己住在旅馆里,交些个~的朋友。这种行为简直是放荡,堕落,…… (《曹禺选集·日出》145)A single girl,living alone in a hotel making friends with a lot of dubious characters—this way of going on is just immoral,decadent…/我跟了你就倒霉,整天要听~的话,吃人家的眼下饭,受人家的脚板气。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—237) My luck’s been right out since I’ve been under your roof,having to listen to nasty remarks all day,despised and trodden underfoot.
❍ 她完全明白这几句话的意思,她沉下脸来说:“你不应给我说这些~的话。”(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—355) She was fully aware of what he meant by this and she said,her face hardening: “You shouldn’t say such things to me,it’s not fitting.”/智深见了,心里早疑忌道:“这伙人~, 又不肯近前来, 莫不要䃋洒家?” (《水浒全传》84)Noticing this,Sagacious grew suspicious. “This gang is a queer-looking lot,and they are not willing to come forward. Can they be planning to dump me?”he wondered
❍ 这期间,在她这个小寡妇的门前,有同情和赞扬,也有~的人和~的话。(王汶石《风雪之夜》76)At the door of this young widow were to be found people who spoke in sympathy and praise,and also those who threw out sarcastic remarks.
❍ 咦,你当我是那~、不规矩的坏女人?(《曹禺选集·日出》176) What!You don’t imagine I’m a woman with no characteror principles?


❷non-descript;neither fish nor fowl
交些~的朋友make friends with a number of dubious characters / 说些~的话 make frivolous remarks/自己生造的~的词句nondescript expressions of one’s own coinage/~的人person of dubious character

不三不四bù sān bù sì

不像这样,也不像那样。形容不正派,不规矩。shady, neither fish, flesh nor fowl, unbecoming, dubious, neither one thing nor the other, nondescript





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