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单词 不一而足

不一而足bù yī ér zú

and all like that; and all that (sort of things); and everything else; and more of the same; and stuff like that; and so on and so forth; and such like; and other things; and the rest;and the like; and what have you; and what not; by no means an isolated case; be not the only one;numerous; quite a number of; there are more than one; this,that and the other; to mention just a few;too many to enumerate
❍ 他们来了,要粮、要钱、要税、要柴,~。When they came,they demanded grain,money,taxes,firewood,and what not.
❍ 凡此种种,~。Similar cases are numerous.

不一而足bù yī ér zú

不能因做一事就使之满足。后也指同类的事物或情况很多,不止一件或不止一次。numerous, and so on and so forth, and what not, and all like that, and everything else





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