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单词 bridle
释义 bridle /'braid!; 'braidl/ n that part of a horse's harness that goes on its head, including the metal bit for the mouth, the straps and the reins. 马笼头 (马具之套在马头上的部份,包括口衔、辔及疆) 。→ the illus at harness. 参看 harness 之插图。 1~-path, ''~-road n one fit for riders on horseback but not for cars, etc. 马径 (适于骑马不宜行车者) 。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A] put a ~ on (a horse). 套笼头于 (马) 。 2 [VP6A] (fig) control, check: (喻) 控制; 约束: Try to ~ your passions. 尽力控制你强烈的感情。 3 [VP2A, C] throw back the head and draw in the chin (showing pride, contempt, vanity, etc): 仰头; 昂首 (表示骄傲、轻视、自大等): ~ with anger; 怒气冲塑; ~ up; 昂首; ~ at sb's remarks. 轻视某人的言论。




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