释义 |
confinen. 1. limit,bound,restriction限度,界限,限制。 △Oth.1.2.27:“Put into circumscription and confine.”纳入(婚姻、家室的)约束和限制。 2.assigned limit,extreme limit既定限度,极限。 △Lr.24.149(147):“Nature in you stands on the very verge/Of his confine.”你的生命已经快到了尽头。(按:his一词又作her,意思相同,均指Nature in you.) 3. place of confinement,prison,prison cell拘留所,监狱,牢房。 △Ham.1.1.155: “To his confine,”回到自己的拘留地。 △Ham.2.2.255(245): “A goodly one,inwhich there are many confines,wards and dungeons,Denmark being one of the worst.”一所很大的监狱,里面有许多的牢房、囚室和地牢;丹麦是其中最坏的一个。 4. region,territory,state,country地区,领土,国家。 △2H.IV.4.5.122(123):“Now,neighbour confines, purge you of your scum.”现在,邻近的国家,把你们的社会渣滓都清洗出来吧。
confinevt. 1. limit,bound,restrict,restrain 限定,限制,抑制。 △Tw.1.3.8: “Ay,but you must confine yourselfwithin the modest limits of order.”是,可是你也得遵守一定的规矩。 △Lr.1.2.25: “Confined to exhibition?”限定只有津贴费? △2H.Ⅳ.1.1.153: “Now let notNature’s hand/Keep the wild flood confined,”现在让自然的巨手不要限制狂潮的泛滥。 2. limit exactly,state or define with precision严格限制,确切地阐明或规定。 △2H.Ⅳ. 4.1.174(172): “Andpresent execution of our wills/To us and to our pur-poses confined,”与我们和我们的建议有关的要求必须立即实现,这一点有了确切规定。(按:confined又作consigned =assigned,指定。) 3. dress给…穿衣,打扮。 △Tw.1.3.10: “Confine? I’llconfine myself no finer than I am.”规矩? 我不能打扮得再规矩了。 confine[kənˈfain]v. 限制,封闭,约束,禁闭,幽禁[ˈkɔnfain]n.界限,范围,区域,疆界,界线 ◇ be confined to局限于 beyond the confines of超出…的范围 confine a ballot (vote)确认投票有效 confine oneself to局限于,受约束 confine sb. to将某人限制在…范围内 on the confines of在…范围 within the confines of在…范围内 ‖ confined event秘密竞赛 confined explosion局部爆炸 confined group监禁团体 confined training封闭训练 confined adj.有限的,局限的,(受)约束的,狭窄的 confinement n.禁闭,限制,监禁,拘留设施,禁闭军官 confinement n. 限制,监禁 |