释义 |
confirmvt. 1. assent to,ratify对…同意,批准。 △1H.Ⅵ.4.1.122:“Confirm it so,mine honourable lord.”i.e.assent tothe suggestion that Vernon and I be allowed to fight itout between ourselves. 请你同意这么办吧,我的尊贵的主人。 2. assent to,establish by assent对…同意,同意确定。 △H.Ⅴ.2. Cho.27:“Confirmed conspiracy with fear-ful France,”跟吓怕了的法兰西王订下阴谋。 △3H.Ⅵ.1.1.172: “Confirm the crown to me and to mine heirs,”只要你答应肯定把王位传给我和我的后人…。 3. strengthen巩固,加强。 △1H.Ⅵ.5.5.39:“Yes,mylord,her father is a king,/The King of Naples andJerusalem,/And of such great authority in France/As his alliance will confirm our peace,/And keep theFrenchmen in allegiance.” 不错,大人,她的父亲是一位国王,拿不勒斯和耶路撒冷的国王,而且在法国有很大权力,所以与他联姻可以巩固和平,并使法国人对我们臣服。 △3H.Ⅵ.3.3.54:“And,lastly,to confirm that amity/With nuptialknot,”最后,再用婚姻联系来加强这种友谊。 confirm[kənˈfə:m]v.证实,确认,批准,使有效,认可,加强,巩固 ◇confirm on确认 in confirmation of以证实… ‖ confirmed banker’s credit确认的银行信用证 confirmed cases诊断 confirmed credit保兑信用证 confirmed criminal惯犯 confirmed habit积习 confirmed irrevocable letter of credit保兑的不可撤销的信用证 confirmed letter of credit保兑信用证 confirmed officer实聘人员 confirmed thief惯偷 confirmed to the permanent establishment获确实聘任为常额编制人员 confirming bank保兑银行 confirming house保付公司,保付商行confirming instance检验原则 confirming judgement确认判决 confirming order保证书 confirmability n.可证实性 confirmable adj. 可批准的,能证实的 confirmation n.证明,证实,确定,确认,印证,批准 confirmation commission保兑手续费 confirmation evaluation确定性评价 confirmation in office确任职位 confirmation in writing以书面形式确认 confirmation increment实任增薪点 confirmation of balance余额确认书 confirmation of declaration under open policy预约保险呈报书 confirmation of order订货确认书 confirmation of payment付款证明 Confirmation of the Charters宪章确认书(1297年)/ confirmation of the tax computation basis税收计算基础的确认 confirmation request要求确认 confirmation slip预订确认单 subsequent confirmation事后确认 confirmative adj. / confirmative question证实疑问句 confirmative sample确认样品 confirmative sentence证实句 confirmatory adj. 确定的,证实的 confirmatory experiment验证实验 confirmatory instance证例 |