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单词 所向披靡

所向披靡suǒ xiàng pī mí

charge irresistibly; be ever triumphant (/victorious/invincible); make clean sweep of all obstacles (/antagonists/oppo sitions) wherever one goes; mow down all resistance(/the enemy); send the enemy fleeing helter skelter; 〔of troops〕carry all before one
❍ 这一支人马在人数占绝对优势的官军中~,忽而向左,忽而向右,忽而杀出重围,忽而又杀进核心,寻找官兵的主将。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—155) They charged irresistibly through the enemy who far outnumbered them,veering now left,now right,breaking through their formation then turning back to search for the commander.
❍ 真是~,令人神旺。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅳ—214) He really put up a gallant and inspiring fight.


(of troops) carry all before one; be irresistible;sweep away all obstacles;send the enemy fleeing helter-skelter

所向披靡suǒ xiànɡ pī mǐ

披靡:草木随风倒伏。形容力量强盛,所到之处,锐不可挡。sweep away all obstacles, move down all resistance, carry all before one, carry the world before one, advance victoriously everywhere





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