visitvt. 1.follow,come to 追随,达到。 △ Ham.1.2.140: “soloving to my mother / That he might not beteem thewinds of heaven / Visit her face too roughly.” i. e.blow on her face too roughly. 他对我的母亲那样恩爱,甚至不愿让天风粗暴地吹上她的脸。 2. accompany,attend on 伴随,陪同。 △Gent.1.1.60:“And I likewise will visit thee with mine.”同样,我也会寄信给你。 3. seek,i.e. attack 寻找,(意指)进攻。 △1H.IV.4.4.36:“For if Lord Percy thrive not,ere the King / Dismisshis power he means to visit us,”因为如果波西爵爷失败了,国王在解散他的军队之前一定要来寻找我们。 4. (of heavenly judgements) punish,chastise (意指上天报应)惩罚,惩戒。 △Mer.3.5.14: “so the sins of mymother should be visited upon me.”那么一来,我的母亲的罪过又要报应在我身上了。 △H.V.4.1.186(174): “nomore is the King guilty of their damnation than hewas before guilty of those impieties for the whichthey are now visited.”他们下了地狱,国王不负责任,正像他们由于从前的罪恶行为而现在受到报应,国王不能负责一样。 visit[ˈvizit]n.&n.拜访,访问,调查,探望,探访,叩见,游览 ◇ go abroad for a visit 出国访问 go on a visit to去拜访 pay a visit abroad 出国访问 pay a visit to 参观,拜访 visit on 迁怒于某人,降怒于某人 visit the sins of another person upon sb.使某人因他人所犯之罪而受惩罚 visit with 与…闲聊 ‖ friendly visit 友好访问 goodwill visit 友好访问 informal visit 非正式访问 itinerary of a visit 访问日程 private visit 私人访问 return visit 回访 visit and ponder on the past 凭吊 visit a prisoner 探监 visit prostitutes 狎妓 visiting card 名片 visiting book 访客登记簿 visiting card holder 名片簿 visiting fellow 短期讲学的大学研究员 visiting forces 客籍部队 visiting group 观光团 visiting patrol 游动哨 visiting professor 客座教授 visiting prostitute 嫖娼 visiting relatives and friends探亲访友 visiting scholar 访问学者 visiting scholar exchange program 访问学者交换计划 visiting sentinel 游动哨 visiting side 客队 visiting teacher 家庭访问教师 visiting team 客队 visitation n.访问,探望,正式视察,天降的祸福 visitation of providence 天灾 visitator n.视察员 visitor n.访问者,来宾,来访者,(大学)视察员,客队 visitor’s book 来宾签到簿 visitor’s visa 旅游签证 visitant[ˈvizitənt]n. 贵宾 |