释义 |
visitationn. 1.visit 访问,拜访。 △L.L.L. 5. 2.180(179): “gentlevisitation”,i.e.courteous visit. 礼貌的访问;拜会。 △Mer.4.1.151:“but in the instant that your mes-senger came,in loving visitation was with me a youngdoctor of Rome.”幸贵使者来时,恰好有一位罗马青年博士好意前来探望。 △Ham.2.2.25:“Your visitation shall re-ceive such thanks / As fits a king’s remembrance.”两位的惠临,十分可感,必有合于国王身份的酬谢。 △R.III.3.7.105(106):“Who,earnest in the service of my God,/Deferred the visitation of my friends. ”我由于一心专诚礼拜上帝,耽搁了朋友们的访问。 △H.VIII.1.1.176:“Charles the Emperor,/ Under pretence to see theQueen his aunt / ... / ... here makes visitation:”查理皇帝,在看望他的姨母、我们的王后的借口之下,现在前来访问。 2. repeated coming,violent onset 反复袭来,猛烈袭击。 △2H.IV.3.1.19: “and rock his brains / In cradle ofthe rude imperious surge,/ And in the visitation ofthe winds,”摇动着使他的头脑安静下来,在狂涛怒浪的摇篮中和天风的猛烈袭击下入睡。 |