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单词 居安资深

居安资深jū ān zī shēn

concentrate on one’s studies and become a scholar of academic attain ments
❍ 君子深造之以道,欲其自得之也。自得之,则居之安。居之安,则资之深。资之深,则取之左右逢其原。(《孟子·离娄下》) The superior man makcs his advances in what he is learning with deep earnestness and by the proper course,wishing to get hold of it as in himself.Having got hold of it in himself,he abides in it calmly and firmly. Abiding in it calmly and firmly,he reposes a deep reliance on it. Reposing a deep reliance on it,he seizes it on the left and right,meeting everywhere with it as a fountain from which things flow.





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