释义 |
寻死觅活xín sǐ mì huóattempt suicide; threaten to kill oneself ❍ 回头人出嫁,哭喊的也有,说要~的也有,…… (鲁迅《彷徨·祝福》 11) When widows remarry,some cry and shout,some threaten to commit suicide,…/宝玉一发拿刀弄杖,~的,闹的天翻地复。(《红楼梦》296) By now Baoyu had turned the whole place upside down in search of a sword or stick to kill himself with. ❍ 他虽不敢还手,便也撒泼打滚,~,昼则刀剪,夜则绳索,无所不闹。(《红楼梦》1061) Though Baochai could not strike back she would throw a tantrum,roll on the ground and threaten to kill herself,searching for knives or scissors by day and for a rope by night,raising pandemonium. 寻死觅活xún sǐ mì huó一会儿要死,一会儿要活。形容非常悲痛或以死来吓唬人。repeatedly attempt suicide, attempt suicide |