释义 |
无精打采没精打采wú jīng dǎ cǎibe in low spirits; bein blues; be a cup too low; chapfallen;crestfallen; deflated; disheartened; dispirited; down in the hip (s); downhearted; drooping; feel dejected(/depressed/listless);have left half one’s guts behind one; lackadaisical;languid; lassitude; be out of sorts (/spirits/heart); seedy; slouchy; spiritless;with one’s spirit quenched; with the wind taken out of one’s sails ❍ 李伪军 “特勤” 队员们~地、嘟嘟囔囔地向右转,一路小跑步向桥南奔去了。(杨佩谨《剑》159) The Special Taskers,chap-fallen and murmuring com plaints,turned right and trotted off to the south of the bridge. ❍ 丁四~地进来。(《老舍剧作选·龙须沟》15) Ding Si,dispirited,enters. ❍ 钟珮文的左手不知不觉地一松,球~地落在地上。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—283) Zhong Peiwen let his hand drop unconsciously by his side and the ball fell dispiritedly to the ground. ❍ 他没精打采,没赶上来和她一块儿走。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—155)He was too dejected to try to keep up with her. ❍ 我~地回到卧室里。(陶承《我的一家》41) I returned to my own room feeling dejected and downhearted. ❍ 宝玉因得罪了黛玉,二人总未见面,心中正自后悔,~,那里还有心肠去看戏?因而推病不去。(《红楼梦》356) Baoyu had not seen Daiyu since he offended her and was feeling too remorseful and depressed to enjoy and show. He pleaded illness,therefore,as an excuse not to go. ❍ 王春~,吵了一顿,自觉很无意思,就抓住枪往哨位上走去。(刘白羽《火光在前》25) Wang felt listless,annoyed with himself for having raised such a row. He picked up his rifle and walked to a post where he took over as guard. ❍ 宝玉~,只得依他。(《红楼梦》306) Baoyu followed her advice,albeit half-heartedly,/坐了一会,看看大家都是~的,我就辞了出来。(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》 103) Seeing that everyone was in bad spirits I did not stay long and soon left. ❍ 发泄了一通牢骚之后,她~地坐在枕边。(王汶石《风雪之夜》70) After giving vent to her feelings,she sank listlessly onto the kang. ❍ 胡四(慢吞吞地,提一下裤带,摸摸衣服,又是他那满不在乎,~的样子,对着顾八奶奶)起来吧! 我进门就饿了。(《曹禺选集·日出》188) Hu Si (unhurriedly hitching up his trousers and straightening his clothing,then turning to Mrs Gu with his usual air of languid nonchalance): Come on! I’ve been wanting something to eat ever since I came in. ❍ 一提起倒霉的算术,他就变得~了,我忙岔开话头。“你是走来的吗?”(陶承《我的一家》14) The mere mention of that“stinking old arithmetic”seemed to make him sink further into the depth of despondency,so,by way of changing the subject,I remarked: “Did you walk all the way here?/欲待要说两句,又怕黛玉多心,说不得忍气,~,一直出来。(《红楼梦》363) But not wanting to annoy Daiyu too,he kept his temper and sulkily left the room./“什么事情?”袁廷发没精打采地问,……(艾芜《百炼成钢》136) “What is it? ”asked Yuan Tingfa wearily,… 无精打采listless;in low spirits;downcast 无精打采wú jīnɡ dǎ cǎi采:精神,神色。形容精神萎靡不振。out of sorts, depressed, be in low spirits, have(get) blues, blue, fall in the blues |