Ⅰ (找) look for; search; seek: ~ 物 look for sth. lost; 自 ~ 烦恼 bring trouble on oneself; 他说他在找 ~ 真理。 He said he was searching after truth. Ⅱ (古代长度单位, 八尺叫一寻) an ancient measure of length equal to about eight chi Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 阳 Xun Yang
另见 see also xín。
◆寻常 ordinary; usual; common; 寻的 {军} target-seeking; homing; 寻芳踏翠 take a walk across the flowers and grass; 寻访 look for; try to locate; make inquiries about; 寻根 seek roots; in search of things related to one's ancestors; 寻根究底 inquire deeply into; get [probe] to the bottom of (the business); investigate thoroughly; penetrate into (the secret of) origins; get beneath the skin [surface] of things; find by hard and thorough search; make an exhaustive probing into; trace sth. into its source; 寻根索源 inquire into the root of the matter; make a thorough investigation into; probe to the bottom of; 寻骨风 {中药} berba aristolochiae mollissimae; 寻行数墨 only rigidly adhere to words and expressions, without regard to the general meaning of the whole writing; smooth the sentence; 寻花问柳 rove among flowers and willows — visit places [houses] of ill fame; be promiscuous in sex relations; frequent houses of courtesans; go about in the hope of finding girls; go round singsong houses; go to houses of professional gayety; spend one's time with prostitutes; visit [frequent] brothels; 寻欢作乐 pursue pleasure; (have) beer and skittles; go on the spree; indulge in merry-making; kick up one's heels; look for distractions; make merry; merry-making; on the loose; on the tiles; pleasure round [around] (all day long); seek pleasures and make merry; seek the joys of lover's union; 寻彗镜 comet- seeker; comet finder; 寻机 [书] look for an opportunity; 寻来寻去 search high and low; 寻乐 look for distractions; seek amusement; 寻霉素 questionmycin; 寻觅 seek; look for; 寻求 seek; explore; go in quest of; pursue; 寻事 seek a quarrel; stir up trouble; 寻事惹非 make trouble; find fault and make trouble; seek a quarrel; 寻事生非 seek a quarrel; make trouble; 寻索 explore; seek; 寻味 chew sth. over; ruminate; think over; 寻线 hunting; 寻香探艳 seek for fragrance and visit beauties; 寻衅 pick a quarrel; provoke; 寻衅滋事 try to pick a quarrel; seek a quarrel and challenge a fight; pick a quarrel and make trouble; 寻星仪 {天} star finder; star identifier; 寻幽览胜 visit places of scenic beauty; 寻章摘句 select passages and choose phrases; load one's writing with hackneyed phrases without originality; look for quotes (in order to embellish one's writing); seek remarkable passages and cull model sentences; 寻找 seek; look for; search; searching; finding; tracing; location; pathfinding; hunting; 寻踪觅迹 trace out
seeking (in taking pulse)