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单词 that
释义 that2 /'usual form:Sst; Sst; strong form: Sset; daet/ conj 1 (introducing n clauses, but often omitted): (弓 I 导名词子句,但常被省略)顽 e said (~) she would come. 她说她燹来的。 It so happens ~ / knaw the man. 碰巧我认论那个人。 The trouble is ~ we are short of money. 困难就在于我们缺钱。 I will see to it ~ everything is ready. 我会注意把一切准备妥当的。 2 so ~; in order ~, (introducing clauses of purpose): 使; 以便; 为了(引导表示目的的子句) : Bring it nearer (so) ~ I may see it better. (把它)拿近一点,好让我看淸楚些。 I give up my claim so ~ /jrt order ~ you may have the property. 我愿意放弃我的要求权,使使你获得那份财产。 3 (introducing clauses of result): (引导表示结果的子句): His behaviour was such ~ /was so bad ~ we all refused to receive him in our homes. 他行为不检,我们全都拒绝在家里招待他。 4 (introducing clauses of condition): (引导表示条件的子句): supposing ~...; 假使…; on condition ~ .... 设舍…。 5 (introducing clauses of reason or cause) (引导表示理由或原因的子句) → not(4), and now, conJ. 6 (rhet) in exclamations: (修辞)用于感叹句中: Oh, ~ I could be with you again! How I wish...! 我真希望能够再同你在一起! Oh, ~ I should live to see my own son sent to prison as a thief! How sad it is ~ ... !我竟然(活着)亲眼看到我的儿子作贼而被抓去坐牢(多令人伤心啊) !-




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