娘[孃]niánɡ ❶ (母亲) ma; mum; mother: 爹 ~ father and mother ❷ (称长一辈或年长的已婚妇女) a form of address for an elderly married woman: 舅 ~ wife of mother's brother; aunt; 老大 ~ grandma; 婶 ~ wife of one's father's younger brother; aunt ❸ (年轻妇女) a young woman: 伴 ~ bridesmaid; 新 ~ bride; 渔 ~ a young fisherwoman ◆娘儿们 women; wife; elder women and their children; 娘家 a married woman's parents' home; 娘舅 [方] brother of one's mother; uncle; 娘娘 empress; imperial concubine; goddess; 娘亲 relatives on the maternal side; 娘胎 mother's womb; 娘子 a form of address for one's wife; a polite form of address for a young woman |