释义 |
tendernessn. 1. tender feeling 柔情。 △Oth. 2. 1. 236 (232): “herdelicate tenderness will find itself abused.”她发现自已娇柔的感情用错了。 △1H. IV. 5. 4. 97: “And even in thybehalf I’ll thank myself / For doing these fair rites oftenderness.”同时我还要代表你来感谢我所表示的这一番柔情的礼仪。 2. sensitivity,susceptibility 敏感,易受感动性。 △H.VIII.2. 4. 168 (171): “My conscience first received atenderness,/ Scruple,and prick,”我的良心最初觉得有些敏感、不安和刺痛。 3. being soft and weak,(abstract for concrete) i.e.tears脆弱,(指)眼泪。 △1H.IV. 3. 2. 90: “Which (i.e.my eyes) now doth that ( = that which) I would nothave it do,/ Make blind itself with foolish tender-ness.”我的眼睛,尽管我不愿让它们做这件事情,现在仍然因为满含着痴情的泪水而昏花了。 4. delicacy. immaturity. youthfulness娇嫩,不成熟,年轻。 △L. L. L. 3. 1. 4:“tenderness of years,”稚嫩的青春:稚龄的孩子 |