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单词 文质彬彬

文质彬彬wén zhì bīn bīn

civilized and gentle;elegant and courteous; cultured and refined; suave;urbane; well mannered and soft-spoken; with smooth manners and polite behaviour
❍ 和她一块儿跟父亲学医术的,是她那心爱的表哥鞠敏。她姑母的独生子,长慧玉两岁,生的~,象个大姑娘似的。(曲波《林海雪原》)385)Studying medicine with her was a boy named Jumin,the only son of a widowed mother who was related to Huiyu’s father. Two years older than Huiyu,he had a soft,scholarly manner.
❍ 陆老师先用了不少婉转的话劝我,什么 “~,然后君子,” …… (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》65) At first Lu tried to persuade me to pay attention by quoting such classical tags as“One can only be a true gentleman when one has both polish and substance”,…/记得有一次我们清除一堆垃圾,~的李科长从这里走过,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》540)I remember that once when we were clearing out a pile of rubbish the intellectual Section Head Li happened to come past.
❍ 杨子荣、刘勋苍等人,内心已十分焦急,不满意剑波还是这样~,但由于猜不透剑波所以这样作的原因,因此在旁闷不作声。(曲波《林海雪原》)151) The impatient scouts were dissatisfied with Jianbo’s politeness. But not knowing what was behind it,they held their peace.
❍ 这个~的老人,现在象爆炸了一样,放火烧了他自己祖传下来的房子和他的药铺,他所有的医学书籍在大火中化为灰烬。(曲波《林海雪原》)387) This quiet scholarly old gentleman now suddenly exploded. He set fire to the drug shop that had been handed down from his ancestors and threw all his medical books into the flames.
❍ 他神态稳重,人家笑闹时,他从不高声,总是在眼角嘴边,显出微含沉郁的~的神态。(周立波《山乡巨变》31) His attitude was serious. Whenever other people were laughing and making a lot of noise,he never even raised his voice.He only revealed his rather solemn and refined manners through the corners of the eyes and mouth.
❍ ~,然后君子。(《论语·雍也》)When the accomplishments and solid qualities are equally blended,we then have the man of virtue.


urbane;suave;quiet and scholarly
~的书生quiet scholarly young man

文质彬彬wén zhì bīn bīn

文:文采;质:实质;彬彬:形容配合得当。形容举止文雅,态度从容不迫。gentle, cultured and refined, temperate and elegant, be smooth in manner





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