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单词 大喜过望

大喜过望dà xǐ guò wàng

be delighted that things are better than one expected; be overjoyed; delighted with unexpectedly good results; rejoice beyond all expectations
❍ 出就舍,帐御饮食从官如汉王居,布又~。(《史记·黥布列传》 2602) But when he left and went to the quarter which had been assigned to him he discovered that the furnishings,the food and drink and the attendants were exactly like those of the king's quarters. This so far exceeded his expectations that he could not help but be greatly pleased.


be delighted that things are better than one expected(/overjoyed)

大喜过望dà xǐ ɡuò wànɡ

超过自己原来的希望,因而感到很高兴。be overjoyed, delighted with unexpectedly good results, be delighted that sth. is better than one expected, rejoice beyond all expectations, in pleased surprise





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