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单词 presence


1. state of being present,state of being in a certainplace or company,public appearance出现,在场,露面。
△1H.IV.3.2.39:“Had I so lavish of my presence been,”当初如果我也这样过多地抛头露面。
△H.VIII.1.1.28: “The two kings,/ Equal in lustre,were now best,now worst,/ As presence did present them.”两位国王,本来同样辉煌,但是一会儿被说成好,一会儿又被说成差,完全看当场谁出现而定。
2. persons present,assemblage,assembly,company在场者,集合在一起的人,会众,群伙。
△L.L.L.5.2.534(533): “Here is like to be a good presence of Wor-thies.”看来这里要有九大伟人的好戏一起上演了。
△Ham.5.2.242 (228): “This presence knows,”在这里的各位都知道。
△1H.VI.1.1.20:“And death’s dishonourable victory / We with our stately presence glorify / Likecaptives bound to a triumphant car.”我们简直像是被绑在胜利战车上的俘虏,以我们这庄严的一大群人来为死神的可耻胜利增光添彩。
△R.III.1.3. 54: “To whom in all thispresence speaks your Grace?”大人这一番话,究竟是对在场的哪个人说的?
3. presence of the king,royal presence国王面前,御前。
△2H.VI. 3. 2.227: “Thou shalt be waking while Ished thy blood,/ If from this presence thou dar’st go
me. ”只要你敢跟我从御驾前面离开,我就叫你醒着流血。
△R.III.2.1.85: “Ay,my good lord. and no man inthe presence / But his red colour hath forsook ( =forsaken) his cheeks.”是呀,好大人,在场的人没有一个不是脸色一下子变得刷白。
△H.VIII.4.2.37: “I'( = In) thepresence / He would say untruths,”他在国王面前都敢说谎话。
4. royal presence-chamber,place of audience (国王的)接见厅,客厅。
△2H.VI.1.3.114 (111): “All in this
presence are thy betters. Warwick.”在这个接见厅里的人都比你身份高,沃里克。
△H.VIII.3.1.16: “And 't( = Ifit) please your Grace, the two great cardinals . Waitin the presence.”启禀王后陛下,两位红衣主教大人在客厅候见。
△Rom.5.3.85: “and her beauty makes,Thisvault a feasting presence full of light. ”她的美貌使得这个墓穴成为充满光明的欢宴的大厅。
5. royal presence-chamber and those within it 国王接见厅(以及在厅内的人们)。
△R.III.2.1.57 (58): “Haveaught committed that is hardly borne / By any in thispresence.”做过什么事情,使得在场的哪一位感到难以忍受。
6. royal presence; (confused with the legal term)presents.i.e. writing. document国王御前,(混同于法律术语)文件。
these presence: this royal presence,(confused withthe legal term) these presents,i.e. this present writ-ing or document本王驾前.(混同于法律术语)本文件。
△2H.VI.4.7.32(29): “Be it known unto thee bythese presence,even the presence of Lord Mortimer.”在本爵驾前,也就是在摩提麦勋爵驾前,凭着本法令,要叫你知道…7. appearance,aspect 外貌,外表。
△L.L.L.5.2.774(766):“parti-coated presence of loose love”.恋爱的那种色彩不一,轻狂放肆的外表。
△As.1.2.130(121): “Threeproper young men,of excellent growth and pres-ence. ”三个漂亮的年轻人,体格相貌都长得极好。
8. countenance. expression 脸色,表情。
△Rom.1.5.77(73):“Show a fair presence”,露出和和气气的表情。
9. bearing. attitude 姿态,态度。
△1H.IV.1.3.17:“O.sir. your presence is too bold and peremptory.”啊,伯爵,你这种态度太大胆、太专横了。
10. noble bearing. mien高尚风度,风采。
△Mer.3.254.“With no less presence. but with much morelove.”沉毅的风度毫无逊色,而且还具有更多的热情。
in presence: ❶present在场的。
△H.V.1.2.2:“Nothere in presence.”不在这里。
❷present.i.e.present atcourt. in the court在场的,(指)在宫中的。
△2H.IV.4.417:“he is in presence here.”他现在就在宫中这里。
in this presence: ❶before so many noblemen in thecourt在宫中许多贵人面前。
❷before the king在国王面前。
△2H.VI.2.3.101 (97): “O God,have I overcome enemies in this presence?”啊,上帝,我竟然当着这么多贵人(在国王驾前)把敌人打败了吗?
presence majestical: the presence of majestical noblecompany在尊严的贵人面前。
△L.L.L.5.2.102:“Pres-ence majestical would put him out;”他当着贵人的面会吓得说不出话。


n. 出席,在场
◇ in the presence of在…面前,面对面,与…在一起
in sb.’s presence和某人同在一个地方
make one’s presence felt使某人注意
presence of mind镇定,沉着





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