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presentn. 1. present time目前时候。 △H.VIII.5.3.8(5.2.43):“My good Lord Archbishop. I'm very sorry / To sithere at this present. and behold / That chair stand empty:”我的大主教大人,我在这个时候坐在这里,看见那把椅子空着,感到非常遗憾。 2. present store. ready money贮存.现款。 △Tw . 3. 4.382 (346 ): “I'll make division of my present withyou.”我把我手头的现款和你平分吧。 3.❶gift礼物。 ❷document,writing文件。 △L.L.L.43. 189(187):“What present hast thou there?”你带来了什么东西?
presenta. 1. immediate,instant立即的,即时的。 △Com.4.1.5:“make present satisfaction,”请立即付款。 △Shr.4.3.5:“Upon entreaty have a present alms,”只要恳求,立刻就会得到施舍。 △Wiv.4. 6. 56 (55): “I'll make a pres-ent recompense.”我马上就会给你报酬。 △Ado.1.3.9(8): “If not a present remedy,at least a patient suf-ferance.”即使不能获得立刻的解救,至少可以使你耐心忍受。 △ Rom.4.1.61: “Give me some present counsel.”i.e.Give me some immediate advice. 赶快给我出个主意。 △Rom.5.1.51:“Whose sale is present death in Man-tua.”在曼陀贩卖它(毒药)是要立即处死的。 △Ham.4.3.68(65):“The present death of Hamlet.”把哈姆雷特立即处死。 △Mac.1.2.66(64):“Go pronounce his presentdeath.”去宣布把他立即处死。 △2H.IV.4.1.174(172):“And present execution of our wills”,我们的要求必须立即实现。 △1H.VI.3.4.38: “Villain. thou knowest thelaw of arms is such / That whoso draws a sword,’tispresent death,” (draws a sword: i.e. in the king'scourt,which was a privileged place.)混蛋,你知道武器禁令规定:无论谁在宫廷里拔剑,立即处死。 2. ready 现成的,现有的。 △Mer.3.2.273 (272): “if hehad / The present money to discharge the Jew,”即使他有现款偿付那犹太人。 Phrases : present execution: immediate beheading 立即正法。 △2H.IV.4.3.79 (73): “Send Colevile with his confederates / To York. to present execution. ”把柯尔维尔和他的同伙送到约克,立即正法。 present pay: immediate payment,ready money立即支付,现款。 △H.V.2.1.113(107): “A noble shalt thouhave,and present pay. / And liquor likewise will Igive to thee,”还你一个诺布尔,并且是现款,我还要请你喝酒。
presentvt. 1. introduce介绍。 △2H.VI.5.1.58: “In all submis-sion and humility / York doth present himself untoyour Highness.”约克完全是以顺从和谦卑之心前来晋见陛下的。 △H.VIII.2.2.98 (97):“Whom once more I pres-ent unto your Highness.”我再一次引他来见陛下。 △As4.1.3: “Let's present him to the Duke like a Romanconqueror.”让我们引他去见公爵,像一个罗马的凯旋将军一样。 △Lr.5.3.295 (294): “He knows not what hesays,and vain is it / That we present us to him.”他说的是什么,连他自己都不明白,我们谒见他是徒劳的。 2. offer,bestow 提供,把…给与。 △Mac.3.2.31:“Present him eminence both with eye and tongue.”用你的眼睛和舌头给他特殊的荣宠。 △1H.VI.4.1.171:“From thence to England. where I hope ere long / Tobe presented,by your victories,/ With Charles,Alencon,and that traitorous rout.”从那里再回英国,我希望在英国不久你们就能胜利并把查理、阿朗松以及那一伙叛徒都给我送来献俘。 3. represent代表。 △Ado.3.3.78 (74):“you,consta-ble,are to present the Prince's own person.”你,当警佐的,就是代表亲王本人。 △2H.IV.5.2.79:“The image ofthe King whom I presented,” 我所代表的国王的形象。 △3H.VI.2.5.100:“The other his pale cheeks,me-thinks,presenteth.”他那苍白的面颊在我看来表示着白玫瑰。 4. act or perform (a part)表演,扮演(一个角色)。 △Mid.3.1. 65 (61): “or to present,the person of Moon-shine.”或者说他是来扮演“月光”这个人物的。 △Mid.3.1.72 (67):“Some man or other must present Wall;”总得有人扮演“墙壁”。 △L.L.L.5.1.127 (117): “Sir,youshall present before her the Nine Worthies.”先生,你可以在她面前表演“九大伟人”。 △Wiv.4.6.20: “Must mysweet Nan present the Fairy Queen;”我那可爱的安小姐要扮作仙后。 5. indicate,show,display表明,表现,显露。 △1H.IV. 3.1.182 (181):“Yet oftentimes it doth present harshrage,/ Defect of manners,want of government,”但它也常常表现出暴怒、没有礼貌、缺乏自制。 △2H.IV. 3.2.287(265):“He presents no mark to the enemy,”他对敌人显露不出任何目标。 △ H.VIII.1.1.28: “The two kings,/Equal in lustre,were now best,now worst,/As pres-ence did present them.”两位国王,本来同样辉煌,但是一会儿被说成好,一会儿又被说成差,完全看当场谁出现而定。 6. set forth,describe,relate陈述,描述,叙述。 △Oth.1.3.124:“So justly to your grave ears I’ll present /HowI did thrive in this fair lady’s love,/ And she inmine.”我要向尊贵的各位确切地讲述我怎样得到这位美丽小姐的爱情,她怎样得到我的爱情。 7. make …appear使得看来好像。 △H.V.4.Cho.25:“and their gesture sad,/ Investing lank-lean cheeks and war-worn coats,/ Presenteth them unto the ga-zing moon /So many horrid ghosts.”他们严肃的姿态,再加上瘦削的脸颊和破旧的战袍,使得他们在月光的映照之下看来像是一大群可怕的幽灵。 8. bring a charge against控告。 △Shr.Ind.2.89 (87):“And say you would present her at the leet.” 并且说要上法庭去告她。 present[ˈprezənt]adj.在场的,当面的,现在的 n.现在,礼物,礼品 v.呈递,赠送,举枪瞄准 ◇at present 现在 make a present of sth. to sb.把某物送给某人 present itself出现 present one’s credentials递交国书 up to the present至今 ‖ a humble present薄礼/a farewell present临别赠品/a handsome present大方的礼物/a return present回忆 mode of presentation表达方式 present a check (cheque)兑支票 present a gift献礼 present a memorial to the emperor奏报,奏本 present a note to照会 present a paper提交文件 present a petition请愿 present an amendment提出修正案 present arms举手敬礼,持枪敬礼 present as a gift赠送 present capital value现时资本价值,资本现值 present competitors现有的竞争者present discount value贴现现值 present evidence提供证据 present for collection提交托收 present generation现代 present gifts to one’s senior馈赠 present heading现时航向 present income现在收入 present marriage 目前婚姻 present one’s arguments立论 present price现行价格 present-tense operator现在时态算子 present ticket礼券 present training state of athletes动员现实训练状态 present value现值 present value approach现值法 present value criterion现值标率 present world现实世界 present worth of income未来收益现值 present worth现在价值 right of presence在场权 souvenir presents纪念品 presents credentials呈递国书 presenting new ideological content with a national style用民族风格表现新的内容 Presenting Officer提控官 presenting sales message提供销售信息 |