释义 |
preservevt. defend from injury or destruction,de-fend,save 保护,保卫,拯救。 △2H.IV.2.2.104 (95):“Well,there is sixpence to preserve thee.”(Referringto the cross on Elizabethan sixpenny coins.)好,给你六便士,让它保佑你吧。 △2H.IV.2.4.317 (291):“O,theLord preserve thy Grace!”啊,上帝保佑殿下! △H.V.4.7.114 (108): “God pless (i.e. bless) it,and preserveit,as long as it pleases his Grace,and his Majestytoo!”愿上帝祝福它,保佑它,如果上帝老爷、上帝陛下高兴的话! △2H.VI.1.2.70: “Jesus preserve your royal Majes-ty!”耶稣保佑陛下! △2H.VI.3.1.271:“And to pre-serve my sovereign from his foe.”为了保卫我的主上不受他的仇敌伤害。 △Tw.5.1.265 (255):“by whose gentlehelp /I was preserved to serve this noble count.”多亏他好心帮助,我才得救,并得侍候这位尊贵的公爵。 preserve[priˈzə:v]v.保护,保藏,保存,保持,储存 ◇ preserve one’s purity洁身自好 preserve one’s strength保存实力 ‖ preserve and increase value and prevent losses保值增值防止流失 preservation n.保藏,保存,储存 preservation of local ties维持地方关系 preservationist[ˌprezəˈveiʃənist]n.保护主义者 preservationist movement保护主义运动 preservice n.职前 ‖preservice teacher education职前教育 preservice training职前培训,师资培训 |