释义 |
大吃大喝dà chī dà hēeat and drink to one’s fill(/heart’s content/extravagantly); gluttonize; gulp and glut; guzzle; indulge in extravagant (/excessive) eating and drinking; indulge one’s appetite; live in luxury; take pleasure in wining and dining ❍ 鲁汉在席间~,还不住的叫骂着,……(知侠《铁道游击队》350) Although busy eating and drinking,Lu Han continued to curse the reactionary force. ❍ 严禁破坏任何公私生产资料和浪费生活资料,禁止~,注意节约。(《毛泽东选集》1218) It is strictly forbidden to destroy any means of production,whether publicly or privately owned,and to waste consumer goods.Extravagant eating and drinking are forbidden,and attention should be paid to thrift and economy. ❍ 有钱时就~,没钱宁肯饿着肚子。(知侠《铁道游击队》93)When they had money,they would go on a spree and when all the money was spent,they would go hungry. ❍ 贫雇农欲罢不能,而中农无心生产,~,……(《周恩来选集》上—299) The poor peasants and farm labourers will have to devote much of their time to completing the reform,the middle peasants will lose interest in production and indulge in extravagant eating and drinking,…/在这肮脏的社会上,有钱人~;没钱的,连饭也吃不上。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》85) How can I help being depressed in this depraved society,where the rich live in luxury,and the poor don’t know where their next meal is coming from? 大吃大喝indulge in wining and dining;be given to lavish feasting; eat and drink extravagantly 大吃大喝dà chī dà hē形容吃喝玩乐,毫无节制。eat and drink extravagantly, gulp and glut, take pleasure in wining and dining, extravagant wining and dining |