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单词 manage
manage/′mænɪdʒ/ v [-s/z/;-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)管理,经营,负责(be responsible for;run)[T+n]:~a state/a government/a school/a business/a hotel/a shop/a football team/a department管理国家/政府/学校/企业/旅店/商店/足球队/部门(系);~the affairs of a nation/sb's legal affairs/one's household accounts 负责国务/负责某人的法律事务/掌管家庭账目;Does she have much experience in~ing large projects?她有管理大型工程项目的经验吗?~ing director总经理;〖同〗direct,run,conduct,govern;〖反〗follow;

(2)驾驭,控制(control the movement or behaviour of(an animala childetc)by esp using skills)[T+n]:~a car/a bulldozer/a sailing boat驾驶汽车/推土机/帆船;~a child/one's husband/the cattle管住孩子/使丈夫顺从/照料牛群;a horse that is hard to~一匹难以驾驭的马;~three children and a big house 看管三个孩子和一所大宅院;~one's fear/money/time控制恐惧感/理财/支配时间;Television~s the news instead of just reporting it.电视不只是报道消息,还控制消息。〖同〗handle,control;

(3)设法做(办)到(succeed in doing sth)[II+prep(on/without),T+nT+to-inf](常与can,could连用):Don't worry about me;I'll~.别担心;我能行。can('t)~by oneself/on one's own(不)能自己/独自办到;~on one's income/one's salary/one's pension/$200 a month靠个人收入/薪金/养老金/每月200美元生活;can~without a job/without the money/without sb没有工作/这笔钱/某人也能应付;He couldn't borrow any money,so he had to~without. 他借不到钱,只得如此。can~all this work (without help)(不需帮助)能做这件工作;~to get up the stairs/to escape to somewhere/to make up for the lost time/not to get angry设法爬上楼/想法逃走/尽量弥补失去的时间/极力克制不生气;~to muddle it/to make a mess of it/to lose one's way(fig)竟然把事情办糟/搞乱/迷了路;〖同〗succeed,deal with,cope with;〖反〗fail;

(4)做到,对付,完成(be able to haveeatachieve)[T+n](infml)(常与can,could连用):(can't)~another mouthful/some more meat (不)能再多吃一口/多吃一点肉;Can you~lunch on Saturday/a meeting next week/another holiday?你这周六能来吃午饭/下周来开会/还来度假吗?(can)~a smile/a story in English/a few French words(能)勉强笑了笑/用英文讲一个故事/说几句法语;I can't~the time to have a talk with you at the moment.现在我没时间与你说话。

→′manageable adj可管理(易处理)的;͵managea′bility n可(易)管理(处理);′management n 管理;′manager n 经理;

【注意】manage to do sth... 设法办到,做到了某事;而try to do sth 尽力,努力去做某事(不涉及结果)。






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