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单词 magic
magic/′mædʒ ɪk/ nadj [无comp];vt[-ck-;-ed,-ed/t/][-ck-;-ed,-ed/t/]

n (1)魔法,巫术(special power that can make apparently impossible things happen or that can control events in nature or make people disappear)[U]:black/white/natural~(借助魔鬼的)妖术/(借助神仙、天使、上帝施善的)法术/自然法术;believe in/practise~相信/玩弄法术;He could see the~beginning to do its work.他能看到魔法开始生效。be turned into a frog by~被魔法变成一只青蛙;The clouds formed/The rain fell/The stains disappeared/The pain went like (as if by)~.一时间像施了魔法似的,阴云密布/大雨倾盆/污渍全无踪影/疼痛消失。There is nothing~about hypnotism.催眠术没有什么魔法可言。〖同〗spell,witchcraft;〖反〗science;

(2)魔术,戏法(ability or art of obtaining mysterious and unexpected resultsby deceiving an audienceesp children)[U]:be good at~擅长魔法;perform/contrive/use~表演/设计/使用魔术;The conjuror's~delighted the children. 魔术师的魔术使孩子们感到很快乐。

(3)魔力,魅力(mysterious quality that makes it seem wonderful and charming)[U](fig)(apprec):the~of music/poetry/love音乐/诗歌/爱情的魅力;the~of sb's smile/sb's works某人微笑/著作的魅力;the~of the distant past/the woods in autumn遥远过去/秋日森林的魅力;There was~in the great man's presence.这位伟人的风度是一种魅力。〖同〗charm;

→′magical adj(像)魔法的;迷人的;′magically adv 像施了魔法地,有魔力地;ma′gician n 魔术师;

adj (1)巫(魔)术的(ofproduced by or using magic):~medicine/method/charm神药/神奇方法/魅力;a~spell/word/trick 符咒/咒语/魔术;a~carpet/lantern/square/mirror 载人飞行的魔毯/幻灯机/魔方/(展现未来远景的)魔镜;use one's~touch to turn tasteless food into a wonderful meal用神奇的功力把索然无味的食物变成美餐;

(2)神秘(迷人)的(producing extraordinary resultsas if by magic):a~beauty 迷人的美人;Women are~.女人都很迷人。That was a truly~moment.那确实是神奇的时刻。

(3)极好(美妙)的(be very good;wonderful)(sl):have a~time玩得很痛快;You're having a party next Saturday night? M~!星期六你举行晚会?太棒了!〖同〗excellent,wonderful;

vt (1)用魔法,改变成为(changemake by or as if by magic)[T+n]:The light of those autumn days was~ed.那些秋日的景色是迷人的。

(2)用魔法使……消失(make disappear by or as if by magic)[T+n+adv(away)]:~away the drudgery 使单调乏味的工作神奇般地完成;~a bird away 把一只小鸟变没了;

magic sth from/out of sth 从……中变出某物:~a bird from a matchbox从火柴盒里变出一只小鸟;~a rabbit from a cap从帽子里变出一只兔子来





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