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单词 try


1. put to the test,show by experience. ascertain bytesting. examine by a test. test使受考验,证明,验定,检验,考验。
△Mid. 3.2. 412: “We’ll try no manhoodhere. ”我们不必在这里考验我们的男子气概。
△Ado. 1.1270 (260):“Well. as time shall try. ”好,让时间来考验吧。
△Ham. 3. 2. 220 (208): “And who in want a hollow friend doth try.”人在穷困中试去找一个虚伪的朋友求助。
△2H.IV. 4. 5.165 (166): “To try with it. as with anenemy / That had before my face murdered my fa-ther.”要跟它较量一番,就像要跟当着我的面杀死我父亲的敌人较量一般。
△ 2. 60: “Go. call her in. Butfirst,to try her skill.”去,叫她进来吧。但是首先考验一下她的本领。
△3H.VI. 3. 2. 33:“Lords,give us leave. I’lltry this widow’s wit ”二位大人,请走开一些。我要测验一下这位寡妇的智力。
△H.VIII.3.1. 34: “if my actionsWere tried by every tongue,”如果我的行动受到每个人说长道短的考验。
2. put on trial,examine judicially,be the judge of审问,裁判,判断。
△As. 4. 1. 211 (200): “and let Timetry.”就让时间来裁判吧。
△ 2H. IV. 2. 2. 52 (47): “Letthe end try the man. ” (Proverb:“ An end proves eve-rything.”) 让结果来证明一个人吧。
△2H.VI. 3. 2. 15:“Go,call our uncle to our presence straight; / Say weintend to try his Grace today.” 去.叫我的叔父立刻来见我,就说我今天要审问他。
△H.VIII. 5. 3. 142 (5. 2. 177):“I gave ye / Power as he was a Councillor to tryhim,/ Not as a groom.”我给你们权力.是让你们把他当做一位枢密大臣来审问他.而不是当做一名奴仆。
3. examine检查。
△1H.VI. 3. 2. 62:“Belike your lord-ship takes us then for fools. / To try if that our own be ours or no.”也许大人把我们都当成傻瓜了,要用打来检查一下我们的国土是否属于我们。
4. settle and decide by combat 一战而决,通过决斗解决。
△Ham.4.4.62: “fight for a plot/ Whereon thenumbers cannot try the cause,” i.e. on which thenumbers of men involved are too great to fight outthe dispute; the plot is not big enough to hold allthose who fight for it.所争夺的那块地方还不够做这些人的用武之地。
△1H.VI.4.1.116:“Let this dissension firstbe tried by fight.” 让这场争端先通过决斗来解决吧。2H.VI.2.3.52: “Ay,good my lord,for purposelytherefore Left I the court to see this quarrel tried.”是的,好陛下,正是为此我特意离开宫廷,来看看这场争端怎么解决。
5. oppress,afflict 压制,折磨。
△H.VIII.5.3.144(5.2.179): “There’s some of ye.I see,More out of malicethan integrity,/ Would try him to the utmost had yemean,/ Which ye shall never have while I live.”我看出来了,你们当中有些人是出于恶意而非出于公心,只要一有机会就想把他彻底整垮,但是这种机会,只要我活一天,你们休想得到。Phrases:
try confusions: Launcelot’s blunder for “try conclu-sions = make experiments.”(朗西洛特想说“试验”,说错,成了“捣乱”。)
△Mer.2.2.38 (37): “I will try confu-sions with him.”我要和他捣捣乱。
try it out: put it to proof. fight it out使它经受考验,通过战斗解决 。
△H.V.4.1.169(159): “there is no king,be his cause never so spotless,if it come to thearbitrement of swords,can try it out with all unspot-ted soldiers.”没有哪一位国王,不管他的目标多么清白无瑕,一旦要凭刀剑来解决问题,他也不能靠着完全清白无瑕的士兵为他打出 一个结果来。


n.尝试,努力,试验,审理,化验 v.尝试,审讯,试验,试图,努力
◇ try an experiment upon 做实验
try and do sth.想方设法做某事
try for a base 探垒
try for a draw 求和
try for goal 射门
try for sth.努力争取,谋求
try it on 耍弄,耍花招
try it on the dog 牺牲别人进行试验… try on 试用
try one’s hand at …试做… try out 检验,试行,试用
try to get sb.’s favour by flattery 阿谀奉承
‖ try a fall 较量一番
try ball 进球
try first to make their mistake soundless serious and then to reduce it to nothing a tall 大事化小,小事化了
try for point after touch down 进攻权
try getter 得分手,预赛
try to defend oneself辩解
try to escape reality 逃避现实
try to explain things away when ridiculed 解嘲
try to figure out 揣摩
try to find out the real intention or situation 摸底
try to find out 摸索
try to informationize the national economy 推进国民经济信息化
try to win people’s support by hook or by crook 笼络人心
trying on 试穿
trial and error 试误法
trial and error procedure 试误法,试算法
trial arrow 试射箭
trial balance 试算表
trial balance after adjustment 调整后试算表
trial balance after closing 结账后试算表
trial balance before adjustment 调整前试算表
trial balance of audit accounts 查账试算表
trial balance of balances 余额试算表
trial balance of general ledger 总分类账科目余额试算表
trial balance of subsidiary ledger 明细账科目余额试算表
trial balance sheet of subsidiary ledger 明细账科目余额试算表
trial balance statement 试算表
trial balance subsidiary ledger 明细账科目余额试算表
trial balloon测验风速的气球
trial dive 试跳
trial draw试弓
trial end 试射
trial flight 试飞
trial heat 选拔赛
trial jump 试跳
trial match 预赛
trial player 陪练人员
trial put 试推
trial run 试航,试滑
trial sale 试销
trial sheet 试验记录
trial shot 试射
trial swimming 试游
trial table 试算表
trial target 练习靶
trial teaching 试教 trial throw 试掷
trial trip 试航
trial value 试算值
trials-riding 乡间小路赛,障碍赛
tried-and-true adj. 忠实可靠的
trier of fact裁决事实的人





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