trumpn. 1.trumpet喇叭。 △Oth. 3. 3. 352 (351):“Farewell theneighing steed and the shrilltrump,”永别了,长嘶的骏马、尖厉的号角。 △1H.VI.1. 4. 80:“Whilst any trumpdid sound,or drum struck up,/ His sword did ne’er leave striking in the field”只要战号一鸣、战鼓一敲,他手中的刀剑就在战场上砍杀不停。 2. trumpeter喇叭手。 △1H.VI.4.2.0.s.d.:“EnterTalbot with Trump and Drum before Bordeaux.”塔尔博特率喇叭手及鼓手上,至波尔多城前。 trump[trʌmp]n. 喇叭声,王牌 ◇ play one’s trump card 拿出最后一手 trump sb.’s ace 向某人还击 trump sth. up 伪造 ‖ trump card 王牌 trumped-up adj.捏造的,伪造的 trumpet[ˈtrʌmpit]n. 喇叭,小号,号角 v.超过,胜过,吹喇叭,吹号 ◇ a flourish of trumpets 大肆宣扬 blow one’s own trumpet 夸口 speaking trumpet 扩音器 trumpet call 集合号音,司号兵 trumpeter n. 吹鼓手,司号员 |