图(圖)túⅠ ❶ (绘画表现出的形象; 图画) picture; chart; drawing; map: 地 ~ map; 蓝 ~ blueprint; 剖面 ~ sectional drawing; 统计 ~ statistical chart ❷ (计划) plan; scheme; attempt: 宏 ~ great plan; 别无他 ~ no other aims; 另作他 ~ find another way out; work out a different scheme ❸ (意图) intent; intention: 良 ~ good intention [intent] Ⅱ (贪图) pursue; seek; covet; hanker after: 不 ~ 私利 do not pursue private ends; ~ 省事 try to do things the easy way; ~ 一时痛快 seek momentary satisfaction; ~ 一时之苟安, 贻百年之大患。 One moment's false security can bring a century of calamities. ◆图案 pattern; design; 图板 drawing board; chart desk; 图版 plate; 图饱私囊 try to enrich oneself (from public services); plan to fill one's own pocket — to embezzle for private gains; 图报恩德 hope [plan] to repay one's kindness [favour]; 图报盛德 hope to requite sb.'s kindness; 图边注记 marginal note; 图表 chart; figure; graphic; plot; diagram; graph; pictogram; {统} pictograph; schedule; sheet; table; 图财害命 murder for money; 图册 atlas; illustrated books; 图谶 [书] book of prophecy; 图存 strive for survival; 图钉 drawing pin; thumbtack; 图幅 mappable unit; sheet; 图号 figure number; 图画 drawing; picture; painting; tableau; 图籍 [书] map of territory and census register; 图集 atlas; 图记 seal; stamp; 图鉴 illustrated handbook; 图解 diagram; graph; figure; scheme; graphic analysis; schematic demonstration {数} graphic solution; graphic; {刷} pictorial; illustrated (diagram); 图景 view; prospect; 图库 map depot; map storage; 图框 picture frame; 图廓 mapborder; map margin; 图利 desire to make money or profit; plan to make money; 图例 key; legend; conventional signs; 图论 {数} graph theory; 图面积 area of pictural surface; 图名 [简] map title; seek fame; for the sake of prestige; 图名图利 seek fame and wealth; 图谋 plot; scheme; conspire; 图谋报复 nurse thoughts of revenge; 图谋不轨 engage in illegal activities; concoct a plot; conspire against the state; hatch a sinister plot; plan a rebellion [insurrection]; plan illegal activities; plot an uprising [rebellion]; scheme [incite] sedition; 图谋生计 contrive to get a livelihood; work for one's living; work to obtain a means of living; 图片 pitcture; photograph; 图屏方法 phosphor screen manufacturing; 图谱 a collection of illustrative plates; atlas; 图穷匕现 When the map was spread out, a stiletto was exposed — an attempt frustrated by its exposure.; come to open hostilities after subterfuges fail; One's dagger is drawn when other means are exhausted.; the discovery of a plot; When deception wears thin, force comes to the fore.; When one is no longer able to keep up pretenses, he shows his teeth.; When the map was unrolled, the dagger was revealed — the real intention is revealed in the end.; 图上作业 exercise on maps; map maneuver; 图示 graphic; diagrammatic presentation; graphical representation; graphic expression; graphic solution; 图书 books; 图书馆 library; 图说 description; descriptive text; illustrated handbook; pictorial handbook; 图算法 nomography; 图腾 totem; 图文并茂 The picture and its accompanying essay are both excellent.; 图像 picture; image; presentation; tableau; pix; representation; 图像失真 image [picture] distortion; 图形 figure; graph; drawing; chart; patterning; sign; artwork; 图形处理 graphic processing; 图形显示 picture display; 图样 pattern; design; draft; drawing; mold; 图语 graphic language; 图章 seal; stamp; 图纸 blueprint; drawing sheet; drawing 图pursue; seek; covet; hanker; after(贪图) ~报复seek revenge/~省事try to do things the easy way/~享受seek pleasure/~虚名seek undeserved reputation |