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单词 truth


1.conformity to fact or reality. veracity符合事实.符合实际,真实性。
△Mac. 5. 1. 1:“I have two nightswatched with you,but can perceive no truth in yourreport.”我和你已经看守了两夜,却看不出什么能证实你的报告。
2. anything conformable to fact or reality实情,实话。
△3H.VI. 2. 1. 128:“to conclude with truth,”最后说一句实话吧。
3. genuineness,not being counterfeited or adulterated名副其实,非伪造,不掺假。
△H. V. 4. 3. 14:“For thou artframed of the firm truth of valour.”因为你生来就具有坚定不移的真正勇敢精神。
4. faithfulness,fidelity,loyalty忠实,忠诚,忠心。
△As2.3.69:“Master,go on. and I will follow thee / Tothe last gasp,with truth and loyalty. ”少爷,走吧,我愿跟着您,忠心不变,直到喘尽最后一口气。
△2H.IV. 5. 2. 39:“Iftruth and upright innocency fail me,”如果忠诚和正直无瑕不给我帮助。
△H. V. 4. 3. 14:“For thou art framed ofthe firm truth of valour.”因为你生来就具有坚定勇敢的忠心。(按: truth of valour又解作true valour,“真正的勇气”。)
△1H.VI.3. 4. 20:“Long since we were resolvedof your truth,/ Your faithful service,and your toilin war;”很久以来我就对于你的忠心、你的忠诚服务和你的辛劳战绩确信不疑。
△3H.VI.4. 8. 26: “In sign of truth. Ikiss your Highness’ hand.”作为忠心的表示,让我吻陛下的手。
△R.III.1. 3. 52: “But thus his simple truth mustbe abused / With silken,sly,insinuating Jacks?”他这单纯的忠诚本性就一定要这样被那些娇里娇气、狡诈、爱阿谀奉承的下贱东西们所歪曲吗?
△R.III. 3. 2. 91 (92):“They,fortheir truth,might better wear their heads / Thansome that have accused them wear their hats. ”他们的忠心应该使他们好好保持着他们的头颅,比那些控告他们的人头上的官帽更稳呢。
△H.VIII. 2. 1. 105: “That never knewwhat truth meant. ”他们从来不知道什么是忠诚。
△H.VIII.2. 4. 95 (97): “yea,as much / As you have done (i.e.wounded) my truth.”是的,就像你刚才对我的忠诚严重伤害那样。
△H. VIII. 3. 2. 303 (302):“When the King knowsmy truth. ”等到国王明白了我的忠诚。
△ H.VIII.4. 2. 74:“With thy religious truth and modesty.”你以你那一丝不苟的信义和温和态度。
5. honesty,sincerity诚实,诚意。
△1H.IV.3. 3.124(110): “There’s neither faith,truth,nor womanhoodin me else.”这话要是有假,我就是个不忠实、不诚实、不守妇道的女人。
△2H.VI.2. 3. 104 (100):“Go. take hence thattraitor (i.e. Horner) from our sight,/ For by hisdeath we do perceive his guilt,/ And God in justicehath revealed to us / The truth and innocence of thispoor fellow,”去,把那个叛徒的尸体搬走,我们从他的死可以看出他有罪,主持正义的上帝向我们昭示这个可怜的人是诚实无罪的,而那个坏人却曾想把他冤枉杀害。
△As. 3. 4. 20:“Nay.certainly,there is no truth in him.”不用说,当然因为他没有诚意。Phrase:
for truth: truly真实地。
△3H. VI. 3. 3. 120: “Tell mefor truth the measure of his love / Unto our sister Bo-na.”老实告诉我,他对我的姨妹波娜究竟爱到什么程度。


truth in lending 贷款实情
truth value 真实值


◇ entrench upon the truth 违背真理
have no regard for the truth 不顾事实
in truth 实际上
of a truth 事实上
out of truth 安装得不正
seek after truth 探求真理
strain the truth夸张
stretch the truth 夸张,过甚其词
The whole truth has come out. 真相大白。/to tell the truth 老实说
Truth lies at the bottom of a well.真理极难发现。/truth to life (nature)逼真,惟妙惟肖
‖ God’s truth 绝对的真理
incontestable truth颠扑不破的真理
irrefutable truth 颠扑不破的真理
moments of truth 关键时刻
relative truth 相对真理,真正的
Sunday-school truth世人皆知的道理
the bitter truth 逆耳之言
the real truth of the matter 事情的真相
truth claim 真理主张
truth definition 真句定义
truth function 真值函数
truth-functional analysis 真值函数分析
truth-functional component 真值函数构成项
truth-functional compound 真值函数复合式
truth-functional contradiction 真值函数矛盾
truth-functional equivalence (equivalent)真值函数等值
truth-functional falsehood 真值函数式假式
truth-functional implication 真值函数式涵蕴
truth-functional inconsistency 真值函数不一贯
truth-functional indeterminacy 真值函数不定
truth-functional invalidity 真值函数非有效性
truth-functional language 真值函数语言
truth-functional logic 真值函数逻辑
truth-functional necessity 真值函数必然性
truth-functional operator 真值函数算子
truth-functional truth 真值函数真式
truth-functional validity 真值函数有效性
truth-functional connectives 真值函数连词
truth,goodness and beauty 真善美
truth grounds 真值根据
truth in a model 模型中的真
truth likeness 似真
truth of faith 信仰的真实性
truth of reason 理性的真理
truth predicate 真谓词
truth preserving rule 真值保持原则
truth set 真值集合
truth table method 真值表法
truth table 真值表
truth tabular connective 真值表式连词
truth tabular logic 真值表式逻辑
truth tabular method真值表法
truth value 真值
truth value connective 真值连接词
truth value form 真值形式
truth value gap 真值中断
truth value implication 真值蕴涵
truth value outcome 真值得数
truthful adj. 诚实的,真正的
truthfully adv.诚实地,真实地
trufulness n. 真实,正当
truthless adj. 不诚实的
truthlessly adv.不诚实地,捏造地
truthlessness n.不诚实,虚伪





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