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单词 千载难逢

千载难逢qiān zǎi nán féng

not occurring once in a thousand years (/in a life time); once in a blue moon; scarcely happen (/come) once in a thousand years;very (/extremely) rare
❍ 赵嬷嬷道:“嗳哟!那可是~的! ……”(《红楼梦》181)❶“Ah,such a thing only happens once in a thousand years,” declared Nanny Zhao.
❷“Ah,now!” said Nannie Zhao,“That’s the sort of thing that scarce comes once in a thousand years! …”/朱延年瞅着徐总经理嘴角上的笑意,知道这是~的好机会,……(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—117) When Zhu Yannian saw the smile on Xu Yide’s face he knew that here was the chance of a lifetime…/如今圣人的恩典比天还大,又赏给二老爷了,这是~的,怎么不给喜钱? (《红楼梦》 1380) But now His Sagacious Majesty has shown kindness greater than Heaven and restored this title to your Second Master—such a thing only happens once in a thousand years.So why don’t you tip us for bringing the good news?


not likely to occur in a thousand years—the chance of a lifetime; a rare opportunity
~的好机遇an opportunity of life-time

千载难逢qiān zǎi nán fénɡ

载:年。一千年也很难遇到。once in a blue moon, very rare, the chance of a life-time





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