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单词 远亲不如近邻

远亲不如近邻yuǎn qīn bù rú jìn lín

a distant relative is not as good as a near neighbour; a near neighbour is dearer than a distant relative; a relative far away isn’t as helpful as a neighbour close by
❍ 他明日倘或再去做时,带了些钱在身边,也买些酒食与他回礼。常言道: ‘~’。(《水浒全传》298) If she went the following day he wanted her to take some money,buy some food,and invite Mrs Wang to dine with her.There was a saying,“A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbour.”/你这么吵吵,看外人笑话。常言道: ‘~’ 哩。(周立波《暴风骤雨》61) Why should you wash dirty linen in public and make a fool of yourself?The proverb says: ‘A near neighbour is dearer than a distant relative!’/“咱不犯愁,”老四庆幸地笑着承认,“不是咱有好大能耐,是咱傍着好邻居哩。人说‘~’,实话! …… (柳青《创业史》157) “We’re not worrying,”Jen admitted with a laugh. “Though we haven’t much ability,we’ve a good neighbour to rely on. ‘A relative far away isn’t as helpful as a neighbour close by,’ as the saying goes. It’s the truth.…”

远亲不如近邻yuan qin bu ru jin lin

a relative far off is less helpful than a neighbour close-by


A relative far away isn’t as helpful as a neighbor close by;Neighbors are dearer than distant relatives.

远亲不如近邻yuǎn qīn bù rú jìn lín

远房的亲戚不如住得很近的邻居亲近。neighbours are dearer than distant relatives, a relative far off is less help than a neighbour close by





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