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单词 势不两立

势不两立誓不两立shì bù liǎng lì

at daggers drawn; at the opposite pole to; be at sword’s point;be extremely antagonistic; be irreconcilable; bel ligerent like two bitter opponents; completely in compatible; diametrically opposed to each other;implacably hostile (to each other); like fire and water; resolve to destroy the enemy or die in the attempt; swear not to coexist with one’s enemy;swear that one of the two must be destroyed
❍ 他自己也从来没有想到要和秦德贵对立,两下变成仇人,现在他们几乎处到~的境地。(艾芜《百炼成钢》183) He had never dreamed that he would find himself standing as a rival of Qin Degui. Like two bitter opponents,they were now so belligerent that he shudered even to think of it.
❍ 通常在林海里人与人相遇,和在远洋航海中同舟共济一样,为什么他竟这样~? (曲波《林海雪原》405)Usually when woodsmen run into each other in the trackless forest,they’re as cordial as sailors whose boats meet in the middle of the sea. What makes him so hostile?/如果一个和我~的人物上了台,再去想办法,是不是来得及?(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》137) Might it not be too late if I waited until someone implacably hostile to me came to power before thinking of some way out?/和农民一样,他们有同帝国主义~的小生产的经济地位。(《毛泽东选集》130) Like the peasants,they are small producers in their economic status,and their interests are irreconcilable with those of imperialism.
❍ 他们是在洋钱堆上长起来的,咱是脱掉毛的光屁股骨碌鸡,~。(梁斌《红旗谱》12)They’re brought up on a pile of silver while we are plucked fowls—like fire and water,we’re natural enemies.


mutually exclusive;extremely antagonistic;irreconcilable;incompatible;diametrically opposite

势不两立shì bù liǎnɡ lì

立:存在。比喻敌对的事物不能同时并存。irreconcilable, at opposite poles, at enmity, absolutely antagonistic





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