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单词 前程万里

前程万里qián chéng wàn lǐ

have a bright future;have a fair prospect; have a great career in the future; there is a long road ahead
❍ 手执着饯行杯,眼搁着别离泪,刚道得声 “保重将息”,痛煞煞教人舍不得。好去者,望~! (田汉《关汉卿》100) I raise my cup,I hold my tears. |But it’s hard to say “Your health!”without a tremour in my heart.|Adieu,nevertheless,a long future before you!/太公吩咐道: “你两个~,休得烦恼。”(《水浒全传》262)“There is a long road ahead of you,” said squire Song. “Stay out of trouble.”

前程万里qián chénɡ wàn lǐ

形容前途远大。His future career will be great. have a bright future, have a fine future, have brilliant prospects, have the world before sb.





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