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单词 cloister
释义 doister /'kbista (r); 'kbist/ n 1 covered walk, usu on the sides of an open court or quadrangle, with a wall on the outer side and columns'or arches on the inner side, esp within a convent, cathedral or college building. (修道院、大敎堂或大学建筑物之) 回撤 (通常围绕着一个院子 ,, 廊之外侧有墙,内侧有一排柱子或拱门); 游图。 the illus at church. 参看 church 之插图。 2 (life in a) convent or monastery. 修道院; 修道院中之生活; 寺院; 僧侣之生活。 the ~ n the seclusion of a convent, etc. 修道院之隐居生活。 vt [VP6A] put in, live in, a ~ (2): 置于修道院或寺院中; 过修道生活: live a ~ed life, a life of seclusion. 过隐居生活。




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