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单词 clock
释义 clock1 /klok; klak/ n instrument (not carried or worn like a watch) for measuring and showing the time. 时钟; 钟; 时计(非挂表或手表)。 put the '~ back, a move the hands of the ~ back (eg when Summer Time ends). 将时钟拨回(如于夏令时间终止时将时钟拨冋标准时间)。 b (fig) take reactionary measures. (喻)开倒车。 work against the ~, work fast to finish before a certain time. 加速工作以争取时间。 (work) round the ~, (work) all day and night. 日夜工作。 Hence, 由此产生, ,round-the-'~, (used attrib): (形容用法): 0 round-the- ~ watch/guard on sth, all day and night. 不分昼夜的监视(看守某物)。 '~-face/-dial, surface of a ~ showing figures marking the hours, etc. (标明钟点数字的) 钟面。 'flolf, game in which a golfball is putted on greens arranged in a circle. 草地高尔夫 (在圆形之草地上,轻験高尔夫球之一种球戏) 。 '~-tower, tall structure (forming part of a building, eg a church) with a ~ high up on an outside wall. 钟楼 (形成建筑物之一部份, 如敎堂上者,其外稳上高悬一时钟) 9 ' ~-watching, practice (of some workers)of thinking constantly of how soon work will end. (指某些工作老) 经常挂念着何时可以下班的习气。 '~ wise/,anti” ~ wise adj, adv moving in a curve in the same direction as/in the direction opposite to that taken by the hands of a ~. 顺时针 (逆时针) 方向 (旋转) 的 (地) 。 ~work, (often attrib) mechanism with wheels and springs like a ~: (常作形容用法) 有似时籁之齿轮与发条的机械:~ ~ work toys; 有发条与齿轮的玩贝; a ~ work driven train; 以发条推动的玩只火车; with ~ work precision; 如钟表之精确地; like ~ work, smoothly, without trouble. 顺利地; 无毛病地。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A] measure the time of; do sth (eg run a race) in a measured period of time: 计…之时; 在一段计算的时间内做某事: (如赛跑): He ~ed 9 6 seconds for the 100 metres. 他一百公尺跑了九秒六。 2 [VP2C, 15B] ~ (sb) in/out; ~ (sb) on/off, recordI have recorded the time of (eg arrival/departure): 记录…之时间 (如到逹或离去的时间): Workers in this factory are required to ~ in and out. 这个王厂里的 “ 人规定必须记录到厂离他上下班) 的时间。 3 [VP6A] (GB sl) strike; hit: (英俚) 打; 击; 揍: If you don't shut up. I'll ~ you one. 如果你不闭嘴,我可要揍你一顿。




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