❶{动} (哺乳动物) hare; rabbit: 家 ~ rabbit; 野 ~ hare; 冻 ~ frozen rabbit
❷[书] (月亮的别称) another name for the moon
❸(姓氏) a surname: ~ 谭 Tu Tan
另见 see also chān。
◆兔场 warren; 兔草 rabbitweed; 兔唇 cleft lip; harelip; lagocheilus; lagentomum; 兔儿爷 clay rabbit for the Mid-Autumn Festival; 兔毛 cony hair; 兔毛皮 coney; cony; 兔毛衫 angora sweater; 兔脯 dried hare meat; 兔起凫举 as fast as the hare runs and as swift as the wild duck starts flying; swift in action; 兔起鹘落 The moment a hare is flushed out, the falcon swoops down — quick flow of writer's thoughts and imagination.; As soon as the hare rises the falcon swoops.; of rapid action; 兔鼠 hairy rat; 兔丝燕麦 in name but not in reality; merely nominal; 兔死狗烹 When all hares are killed, the hounds will be stewed and eaten.; After the cunning hare is killed, the hound is boiled.; Cook the hounds when no longer needed after the hares have been run down.; slay the lackeys when they have outlived their usefulness; The hounds are killed for food once all the hares are bagged — trusted aids are eliminated when they have outlived their usefulness.; When the hares die, the dogs are killed and boiled.; 兔死狐悲 The fox is sad at the death of a hare — feel sad for the loss of one's kind.; Like mourns the death of like.; sympathy with one of its kind; The fox mourns the death of the hare — like grieves for like.; The fox mourns when the hare is dead; When the hare dies the fox grieves.; 兔崽子 [骂] brat; bastard; 兔子 hare; rabbit; 兔子不吃窝边草 Rabbits don't eat the grass by their burrows.; A rabbit doesn't foul its own hole.; A rabbit doesn't nibble the grass near its own hole.; A hare never eats the grass by its own burrow — a villain doesn't harm his nextdoor neighbours.; 兔子驾不了辕 A rabbit is not to be harnessed.; be unable to shoulder heavy responsibilities; 兔子尾巴长不了 The tail of a rabbit can't be long — one's good times don't last long. be as short as a rabbit's tail; Something won't last long.; 兔走乌飞 Time flies.; the movement of the sun and the moon; Time passes swiftly.