释义 |
人所共知rén suǒ gòng zhībe well known;beknown to all; everyone knows ❍ 这是每常的旧规,~的。(《红楼梦》714) That’s how it’s always been; it’s an open secret. ❍ 他虽是战士们所敬重的政治工作干部,可是指挥小部队活动的经验也很丰富,这是~的。(知侠《铁道游击队》82) A political cadre,he was highly respected by the fighters,and was also noted for his rich experience of leading small fighting units. ❍ 况且咱们家的无法无天的人,也是~的。(《红楼梦》590)Besides,everyone knows how wild and headstrong Pan is. |