释义 |
丑(Ⅰ、Ⅱ醜)chǒuⅠ ❶ (相貌或样子难看) ugly;unsightly;hideous: ~ 小鸭 ugly duckling; 长得不 ~ not bad-looking ❷ (叫人厌恶或瞧不起的) disgraceful;shameful;scandalous: 出 ~ make a fool of oneself ❸ [书] (凶) fierce;ferocious ❹ [书] (邪恶) evil;wicked;vicious Ⅱ [书](羞耻;惭愧) be ashamed Ⅲ ❶(戏曲中的丑角) clown in Beijing opera,etc. ❷ (地支的第二位) the second of the twelve Earthly Branches ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 父 Chou Fu ◆丑八怪 [口] a very ugly person;an uncomely ugly fellow;ugly monster;horrible-looking person;freak of nature; 丑表功 brag shamelessly about one's deeds;claim an undeserved merit;blow one's own trumpet shamelessly; 丑诋 abuse;curse;swear;slander; 丑恶 ugly;repulsive;hideous; 丑化 defame;smear;uglify;vilify; 丑话 scandal;scandalous gossip; 丑剧 farce; 丑角儿 (丑角) clown;buffoon;comic character;(不光彩的角色) the inglorious part one plays in a matter; 丑类 evil person;vile creature;villain; 丑陋 ugly; 丑名 notoriety;infamy;notorious [bad] reputation; 丑婆子 a woman clown on stage; 丑时 the period of the day from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.; 丑事 scandal; 丑态 ugly performance;clownism;disgusting [unseemly] manner;ludicrous performance;buffoonery; 丑态百出 show all sorts of ugly behaviours;act like a buffoon;behave in a revolting manner;cut a contemptible figure;extremely nauseating;show oneself up as utterly ridiculous;utterly ridiculous; 丑闻 scandal; 丑媳妇总要见公婆 People may hide the worst side of their nature from casual friends,but they cannot hide it from those with whom they live.; 丑行 ignominy;notorious conduct;indecencies; 丑样子 grisly appearance 丑ugliness
丑the second of the twelve Earthly Branches |